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Feeling: unsafe
2.20pm I was going to explain to you all my political views. If you have no interest in politics whatsoever, then go to the text that is orange. I support the Labour Party, and yes, I don't mind Tony Blair (one of the only people I think) but I have lost any really enthuastic support for them because of the Iraq war. I would say that I'm more on the left of the party anyway. I support joining the Euro (although it scares me a bit) and I oppose foxhunting. I am a Christian, but I don't think I support any of the traditional conservative views that Christians are percieved as supporting. I don't mind the Lib Dems, in fact I think that with some studying of manifestos I might have a choice to make. I like to think of myself as accepting in society, and quite charitable (although maybe that's because I'm a little self-centred & think better of myself than I really should). Racists, homophobics and sexists annoy me. More than annoy me. Annoy is a very mild word really. The London bombings recently scare me, but I do try to just get on normally. That's easy for me to say, I didn't lose anyone close to me, did I? For those families who did, it's so hard to not be scared of the terrorists. But we can't blame entire racists for it - muslims are in general more peace loving than Christians, and we can't blame the religion - it definitely doesn't promote killing people to get where you want. I feel slightly in the minority, because I live in a rural village in Essex (if anyone knows England, then it's not all what you think. Essex girls do live here, but all over the rest of the country as well. I'm talking about the posh rural bits of Essex) which is almost all Conservative (with a small c as well). My school is a grammar school so most of the girls there (yes, I go to a single-sex school) have Conservative parents, and it's been handed down to them. There's a girl there who thinks that the Nazis have the best political views. We were asked to paint our icons for art, and she chose Adolf Hitler. That scares me. Of course, there are exceptions, but the liberals are certainly the minority. I've been brought up in a liberal family, you could say that my mum was a bit of a hippy, and my mum and dad have been involved in the Labour party since they possibly could be. I think my nan and grandad (who also live in our posh rural village) are Labour, but I'm not sure. I think at the general election before last, my grandad voted Conservative. I think if I had been Conservative, I would have been disowned. You could say that I was forced, but I truly believe all these things. My family has always been political, I went to the Labour party meetings with my parents, even more after my dad died. Sorry if any of that sounded like force-feeding, it really wasn't. I don't really mind other people having different views, I guess it's up to them, and to a certain I can see the arguments for different viewpoints. Why not tell me what you think if you disagree with me? Here we go, political stuff over. I think we might be going to the zoo today. I feel a little stupid at the moment. My baby cousin cries quite a lot at the moment, he's not really got into a sleeping pattern in this new place (they live in Italy). I don't seem to be able to stop him crying. It's very selfish of me, always thinking of myself I suppose, but I feel a little inadeqaute. I love looking after children, but I'm not always very good at it. I suppose I should stop now, sorry for those who didn't read the political bit, you didn't get a very long entry did you?
Read 2 comments
sounds good to me =)

sound, ah, i didnt realise how much i missed it.

come online, i want to play minesweeper

boo. i read the political stuff just for the hell of it.

everything still happening friday?