Listening to: Franz Ferdinand - 40\'
Feeling: ungrounded
I am gradually being stolen by that great big Internet stealy thing that is MySpace. I'm sorry. I don't like it that much because my friends are there, but it is pretty good because, well, my friends are there.
I am going to a party tonight (which I think I may have mentioned before). I feel completely undesirable at the moment. Just, horrible. Like today is the worst possible day for me to even attempt to look nice in any way. I wish I was one of those people who look nice all the time.
But then unless they are truly exceptional they are the people who spend hours getting ready and I can't be darn bothered. Life is too short. Such a good excuse.
I feel very immature. Considering I will be the youngest at this party I really need to 'mature up' and here I am giggling to myself that I just wrote 'clams' and not 'calms' on MSN. Oh great, and now I have the word lemmings in my head.
I got the word 'gynacology' stuck in my head the other day and I made a song up about it. It was an amusing song.
I really need to calm down.
I'm going to give you a challenge and make you see if you can find the rest of the text.
Hahahahaha when I wrote 'calm' before I did a typo and wrote 'clam' again. Can anyone seriously not find this? How hard is it? Stupid people.
And hey, i'm almost 18 and I still giggle about typos like that, get weird words stuck in my head, and make up songs about slightly inappropriate themes.
The minute you lose your sense of fun is the minute you grow up. and the sooner you grow up, the sooner your will to live dies.