What better time to return to an abandoned diary than just after 8am on a Saturday morning? I haven't been able to sleep since 6am. And I know I won't get much sleep tonight either... Eh, it's shaping up to be a fun weekend.
Firstly, we run through school stuff. I took an English exam in January and get the results back next Thursday. Yes, it's scaring me quite a lot, but there's nothing much I can do about it so I suppose I might as well just stop caring. I'd rather not resit it but there's the option to so I suppose I'm just being stupid. Then of course there's Electronics coursework. I'm meant to finish it over this weekend, or at least finish what's already due in. But I know that won't happen at all. So those lunchtime detentions seem to be a certainty. And there's the impending doom of GCSEs, weighing down my mind pretty much constantly at the moment. Easter holidays are going to be a block of revision.
In other news, I'm a bitch. But we all knew that. And things seem to have calmed down a bit, to the point where most people seem pretty content with their life and the way it's going. So that makes everything a little easier.
A 2008 trip to Cornwall seems to be on the cards, anyway.
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