You & me

Listening to: Orson - No tomorrow
Feeling: alright
So I'm set off for Soul Survivor this morning. Very excited. Perhaps too much so? But it is my first year going so I'm going to be overexcited and uncool. Let's face it, I'd probably be like that anyway. I slept from 11pm to 3am and then woke up, and I can never go back to sleep when I wake up. My grandad just came downstairs and when I said 'good morning', he replied in a really world weary voice, indicating they could probably hear me on the computer from 5am. Oops. [Note to self: no-one else is actually stupid enough to be online at 5am. It's boring.] It's just that holiday feeling, not something I do often. I usually can't survive without my 8 hours. Anyway, after a brief entry about nothing, I shall leave you to get on with finding my wellies :] S'later.
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i cried while writing it. and i cried after reading comments on it on my xanga. and i cry sometimes still when i think about it. it was hard to write and get out.