Listening to: Matchbox Twenty - Won\'t Be Mine
Feeling: exasperated
And so that is it - it is done. I decided to come back and just write to tell what's going on. I did what I had to do, relieved- yes, but not totally... I can't I don't know - change of topic.
So yea, I'm feeling alright now, better then a few days ago. Needless to say that things are atetmpting to get better but I've got some of the best folks backing me here so I'm satisfied here. You know what would make me even more satisfied? If maybe I had a few of you up here in Canada to actually talk to; like, in person. That would be awesome - so much better then this bloody system but I love sitDairy so I'm going to take this chance and run as far with it as I can.
Right now I should probably be doing my paper for one of my classes (due on the seventh) but of course, I'm here and not doing that which is alright by me because I've been working for quite sometime and all. Well, that's not the total truth now that I think about it, I've been kinda lolly-gagging the entire day so in short - I wasted a perfectly good Saturday night. Maybe Hockey Night in Canada is on. That can sometimes cheer me up once in a while. I want to do something new.. try something I've never done before but nothing that's life threatening, just something new and exciting. Maybe I shuold be out right now with some of me friends. I really should be. Oh well, looks like it's just me, Earl Grey (tea), the tele and you: my friends on sitDiary. If you just took offence to me calling you a friend please don't I didn't mean to insult you - it was directed to those great folks who actually take time out of their busy day to read this dribble I put up here. My complaints, trials, tibs (tribulations), and even a few joyous moments along the way even. Lucky am I. I guess I am lucky - I've got my friends here which is a plus so at least I've got that eh? I apologize to those of you who have had to go through the past few days of crappy and short entries, it wan't really fair but that's all I could come up with. Try and forgive me under the circumstances. I promise that this one will be more of my usual ones. Well, I suppose if you don't like my usual ones because they're too long then maybe I shouldn't aplogize... but all the same, I apologize for not being my usual self.
And speaking of not being my usual self, yesterdayschild, you've got nothing to worry about in ways of making me worry or feel guilty. The mistake was truly mine for I should have watched what I said. If you weren't as nice as you are I could have been in some really big trouble there so I thank you for being very nice about things in regards to out little "mix-up" shall we call it? Honestly though, you're a good person so don't sweat it, Im not all angried or totally worried about it or anything I was just slightly concerned that I may have offended you, which apparent;y I did not so I was kinda stupid about even making it an issue. Forgive me for doing that maybe? Trust me, it was NOT your fault. *smiles for the first time in a little while* see, you even got me to smile - look at that. You're a maricle worker! *smiles again* seriously though, it's all good. Don't worry that I'm worrying because now that I know we're good it's all good (got to stop saying that).
I don't know how much more juice I've got left in me. I know I can go all night long -oh yea, all night ;o) - but I'm not sure if I can... I'm capable but I'm not sure that I can, that sound much more correct then what I said before. I got to watch out for that grammer thing, particularly since I'm writting this bloody essay. Arrg, stupid teach thinks she's so goddamn good at english, meanwhile she says you can't use certain words in a certain context when, by definition, it means what it's suppose to be used as in that context. If that didn't makes sense just think of the different meanings of the word "since" - she claims that if it's used to replace the word 'because', that it's incorrect. Stupid youngins. Here's an idea, maybe if they gave us a teacher with more then 0 years experience, then maybe - just maybe, the entire class would be doing better. Just a thought; but then again what do I know? I'm only a bloody grade eleven student. Whatever, I don't have enough room in my little black heart for love let a lone hate so I'll stop complaining right about now. Maybe I could amuse you with some crazy fantasy land images? Come on - could be fun. and I swear you won't have to take your clothes off because I'm not perverted like that. Come on, please? Fine then, be that way. Maybe next time I can take you on a little somethin' somethin'. But it'll have to be on monday because I'm not even suppose to be writing in this thing on the weekend... but... I just had to. I've got no one to call or talk to right now except you so that's why I just vent here and hope to God that in the end things work itself out...
I just had a revelation. Now that I'm single I'll have some work to do. Like I mean prom's not that far away... just a year and a bit. I know it's long but I've been planning prom for quite some time. I mean, I got my suit picked out - colours and all. And evena back-up suit in case the one I pick doesn't work. Now I need to fill in a blank space. Origianlly I figured whoever my girlfriend was around the time ould be my date and I thought it was going to be her - my ex. Whoa, that was interesting - "ex"... anyway but now that I'm just here I've got to start thinking because I'm sure I won't have anyone by then. Suggestions anyone? I could fly someone in, if they were willing to miss some school or something. But that's a crazy idea - no one would ever go for that. I could ask one of my lady friends... but that would prove rather hazardous for they may get the wrong idea... or the right idea? I don't know. Right now I should be worrying about that paper I suppose, and then wait until I get to Grade twelve for prom. Please don't think I'm a dolt or cheesie for wanting this prom thing to come up... I just can't wait to get out of this place and get rid of so many annoyances but keep some really good people close to the vest. That plus there's sometihng nostalgic about the whole thing. Maybe I'm crazy. I really should be going now, I just turned off the tv and downed my last bit of tea so now I should work.
-Captain B. Curbed
Shamefacedly yours,
'Ello Love. Thank you for mentioning me in your entry. And because I love the little things...I absolutly love Earl Grey...:) We can consider our misinterpritations tiff in the past if and only if....You agree to call me Becky. *understand, I'm teasing when I say that, but call me Becky anyway.* I'm certain you'll have a ladylove come prom time, You're far too charming not to. *grins at Captain and raises her eye brows* <3BB
forever yours,