Listening to: Billy Joel - Piano Man
Feeling: better
So it's 3:12 which means I have under an hour to spill out everyihtng I want to in this entry. So let us see. I'm somewhat tired right now, in fact I rested my eyes on the bus ride home, though I make it a policy to never sleep in public. No, I do not snore if that's what you're wondering - in fact I'm pretty quiet - it's just that when you're sleeping you're rendered defenceless and that's not a position I wish to be put in see. So my plan was to come home, throw in a Bond (which I have on right now) and I was going to try and grab some Zz's. But with all the thigns blowing up it's much more difficult to sleep then you'd imagine.
So how was your day? My day was alright I guess. Dull, but alright nonetheless. Unfortuantely I will not be able to make an extremely long entry today due to certain... unforeseeable circumstances. You know what's good? This song. I put the movie on pause and am really listening to the lyrics... just like I always do with this song. I really enjoy singing along, though I don't sing all that well. I'm pretty sure you're familiar witht he lyrics so I'll spare you the pain and agony of putting them up here - I'm sure you do't care much either. I'm thinking that a lot of people can actually relate to this song just because of how it goes. Talks about how everyone is lonely or not too happy with themselves for whatever the reason may be. I'm telling you - I don't care who you are, the two biggest adversaries you'll ever face are:
1. Your potential,
2. Your self expectations.
I'm not trying to be all philosophical or anything but it is the truth. Many of you out there may not believe me but one day you'll see that I'm not too wrong in some of my ramblings.
I must now apologize for always making my entries so boring. I know that for some of you it may seem likea tedious chore to come on here and attempt to muddle through my bloody thoughts and fumble-filled idears. I really do apologize but it seems that no matter how much I think about what I want to say I always end up somewhere else in a nother place. Worst part is that this happens to me so often during the day that it's almost awkward sometimes *tugs at collar* Just so, I suppose we got to buckle in and keep on moving eh? Still, unilke the pirates I'd have to go with the marines on this one and say "Leave no man behind." And by man I mean both humans and memories... question is which one can hurt you the most? Sometimes the worst pain you'll ever feel is not physical by emotional and although a perosn may be able to deliver that at times it's the memory of what that person did or of what happened that can cause the balance of hurt. Astonishing isn't it?
-Captain B. Bye