Listening to: Cream - White Room
Feeling: concerned
I'm not sure that I have much to type for this entry. Seriously, I've been thinking about many things recently. Somewhat concerned (as my mood clearly indicates) about a good majority of things, one of which is my decaying writing abilities - typing, subject matter and vocabulary. I fear that it'll take a good month for me to regain my senses and bearings in regards to direction and fluency of my style... which I hope hasn't changed that much. I can't say if it would be a good or bad thing if I were to change it, I suppose only you, the reader could do such a thing. Comments anyone?
I don't know anymore, I'm finding it difficult to come to terms with what is good and what is bad on certain issues. And it's not that I can't see black and white, or that my thinking is that far out of "whack" (forgive the term) but it's more like at some points, it's not really my place or I really shouldn't be getting involved. Ever run into those? Where you want to help or want to try and fix a problem that you fully well know how to, but you won't or can't get involved due to various circumstantial reasons? Maybe I'm just tlaking a load of crock right about now, but it all makes sense in relation to what's been going on here, to some degree.
So let's see, I took the summer off from diarying because I felt it could be a good thing - might improve my life a little just to get away from the usual-ness of my life and what did it get me? Well, not very much. I mean, as it stands, I'm warming up to someone, but that was through no assistane of the stopage of my systematic postings in my diary here. SO what did happen? I guess I ought to give an abridged version for everyone elses and my own personal record; just so that when I look back upon my journal, I won't see a huge gap and question what happened to the summer of '04. Well, I did the summer school thing, gained a girlfriend, lost a girlfriend. Cutest thin, honestly she is. But in all fairness, I'm one of her best friends now. Do I feel any kind of dissatisfaction here? Well... no, not really. It's been what now... two weeks? yea, just about. What can I really say though. Win some, you lose some. Some hurt, other' pain, some you just gotta take in stride. To quote something/ someone "you got to let all of the pressure just slide off your back." Of course, Pressure can be an interesting thing, right Rebecca? Oh, you know what I'm talkibg about- don't be coy. Don't worry I'll be more than glad to demonstrate how pressure works and feels. At any rate, what was I talking about? oh yes, update. Umm... well, yea, now I'm just that to her. Um, Got new glasses, car works well. New lighter, lost some friends, made some new ones. A few parties, a few dyke vibes... umm... yea, that's about it. If you're anymore interested in anything, ask or leavea comment or something and I'll explain it all. But as for now I'm running into brick walls for my topics so either leave a comment on what you'd like to hear me tlak about/ my views on or just leave your thoughts - just like it says down there.
-Captain "Should" B. Longer (as in entry)
I have no other comments, seeing that there is nothing else of good for me to say.