
Feeling: complicated
You know what they ought to have as one of their moods: "shaken, not stirred." That, in my opinion, would be so awesome. I know I'd use it and so would a handful of other Bond fans here on sitDiary. I suspect that the people who are trying to patronize or just try new things would also use it but with a list as large as this one here, who's to say? But enough about this useless dribble, I need to get this entry started and on the road because I still have that prohject due tomorrow but by the looks of things I'll have to hand it in on Monday morning before the triumphant beginning of the words "Oh Canada..." (that's our national anthem for those of you who aren't too familiar with it.) You know, I should probably put up the whole anthem for the people who don't know it - it so nice - oh so nice. Granted that we only sing the first stanaza and granted that most canadians don't know the ENTIRE song - but it's got good beat, keeps good time and you can even acapella it. That's one of my favorite versions to be honest - the du-op/ acapella version. Most people think it's kinda corny but I don't mind it. Craziness but now I shall move on to much more important things. I'm not really in the mood for anything as for recently- I'm more or less just - I don't know. Its not that I'm lazy or that I don't want to do anything. And it's not that I want to be doing something else (which does seem appealing) but it's... well, I've been lacking drive. I dare not talk to anyone I know about it because I know they'll wnt to know everything or they won't be able to render any assistance. *shakes fist* I seriously don't know what to do. It's not that I want to do anything or that I can't think of what to do, I just know that no matter what I choose to do with either one, it'll turn out a lot of issues and it'll even cause some problems along the way (assuming that the plan even gets off the ground) There's more to the story then I could ever explain... you kind of have to get inside of my head and even if I were to try to explain it I'd miss things and you'd just think I'm nuts or over exaggerating. So in conclusion, I'll try to shut up about this and talk about it less often. Reminds me of a story... well, kind of a story. You may have heard a joke like this but this is not the joke version. So once upo a time (I just adore stories that start like that, don't you?) At any rate, once upon a time all of the body parts held a meeting and they were all arguring on who should be in charge. The brain says, "I should be in sharge because I send the messages to all of you to work." The heart then says, "I should be boss because I pump the necessary blood for all of you to work, including you Mr. Brain." Well the brain won't stand for this and the brain says "well, I tell you when and where to pump, so I over-rule you!" Now the Mouth come in and says "You know what, ladies and gentlemen, without me, the food would never enter the body and thus neither of you would be able to work so I should be in charge here." So At this point they all start arguing and bickering amongst each other. And in the midst of all of this, there is a little voice that's saying "excuse me, excuse me." Eventually this body part is able to quiet everyone down and he states "As the Arse of this body, I think I should be in charge." Well at this thought all of the body parts start to laugh at the arse and tell him to just shut up and get back to work. So he does just that and he doe shut up. Well, a few days pass and the arse is still shut up. Slowly the eyes start to go blurry. After about five days of shutting up, the brain starts to slow down, the stomach wants to explode and the rest of the body parts are not functioning so well. So now, at the seven day mark, all of the bodyparts pled for the arse to take the role of boss. And this, my friends is how the Arse became in charge of the entire body. Primary moral of the story: it doesn't take a genius to be the boss, just an arse. Secondary moral of the story: be careful who you tell to shut up, you may just depend on them more then you realize... In other news, I've spent about an hour and a half, correction - almost two hours playing blackjack on an IRC. I can't say that I've won a large sum of money considering that I'm slightly conservative here. It's not even real money nor is it my money but I'm not too liberal with it. Somewhat stupid eh? Well, they use to say that you could judge a man by the way he plays cards. Not by the way he wins or loses; but by the way he plays. Do be weary though - some people are tricky and try to play to the opposite extreme in which they live their life. Arlight, so I better get going now that story time is over. I'll talk to you all laterand try to take care of yourself *Plays "I love Rock and Roll" (Definately not the Britney Spears version)* Truly, -Captain B. Gamble
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I love cards and card playing, sad thing is, people don't like to play with me anymore, because I've practiced so much that they think I'll cheat, just because I understand how to roll a deck of cards. (Cool trick, but useless in anything necessary.) Anyway...If you lived in my hick neighborhood in Maine, I'm sure you'd have played me. I'm off track however, what I really wanted to do was agree with the whole how they play thing. Isn't life fun?