Listening to: Lenny Kravitz - Again
Feeling: helpful
Well, that's "hello" in portuguese. Did I mention I'm mostly pork and cheese? Oh yea, I'm kinda proud (can't you tell?) Come world cup time I cheer for only certain teams and they are as follows:
Teams I Cheer for (basically in order of preference)
Brasil (only as back up, but they're crazy anyway)
Yea, so those are the World cup teams that I actually cheer for. And I still haven't forgotten how last world cup bloody well Japan beat out Spain because the judges were bought. That's right, they were bought off to makes sure the japs went through only because they were holding the tournament in the bloody country. Business-wise, it was smart. But when you put it into practical means, it's really not cool. I'm telling you, the final game was suppose to be Spain V. Germany Blah! I'm hoping that I got all of my facts right, after all this happened roughly two years ago. I was mad at the japs for beating Portugal too, shouldn't have happened, but I know for a fact that they made it too far in the rounds. *shakes fist*
So now that I've successfully ranted about World Cup soccer which won't be occurig in another year and a bit I think I shall move unto something much more applicable here. *ponders* what shall I talk about? Oh maybe I could mention how my day went? Would that be sufficent? Please say yes. Awesome. Well, today was an interesting day, didn't do much. Almost had a test and such, but avoided that. I've got 1.5 tests this thursday and one tomorrow. Should be studying and working on an outline but I'm not. Also got a journal teaching/ explaination thing to do. I got to make this one really good or else I'll end up doing horribly bad, just like last time. Eee, I really got to watch that though- could mean certain doom for my mark cause this is a whole like 15% so... well, moving on from this whole work thing - I'll just leave it alone now.
So what's on the agenda right now? Well, I'm just mellowing out here. I'm attempting to force myself into being sorta happy and I must say that sometimes it works. Alright so I'm stretching the truth here but one can always pretend, right? I've still got to whip together a response letter to one of my friends who's having friend problems and a few others too, regarding various issues. I can't believe that all of a sudden I've become the resident expert on every issue under the sun. Well, maybe it was more progressive then sudden... but still. I guess it's comforting in a sense, being able to help people out. Truth be known that's what really pushes me to continue these days; just thinking hoping and lying to myself, continually saying that I can actually make a difference out there. Can I though? Who knows, the theory of events state that basically anything you do will effect various people in ways we never thought possible but still, the question remains whether or not I will effect them in an adverse way.. Whatever, I gotta get going. Sorry that this is posted late, my firewall was acting up last night.
-Captain B. Helps
><>sorry im so late in ctaching up<><