Listening to: MB20 album - More Then You Think You are
Feeling: weak
Now, by warm I don't mean all warm and fuzzy on the inside. To be honest I'm feeling cold hearted deep down inside. That compiled with my lack of health can make for one somewhat odd day. So as soon as I came home, I threw in two raspberry pop tarts and made myself a mini jug of Earl Grey. I know what you're thinking "oh wow, those two really don't go well together, what were you thinking cap'n?" Well that's how I like it, I always drink my tea when I eat pop tarts. Plus I think the shot of caffiene will do me some good. I stress the think part - right now I can't say that I'm totally in my right mind, which really sucks because I've got a little pile of work right here to my left that I have to get into. All that aside I think I'll have another boring/ uneventful evening - story of my life.
So the hunt for the illusive Valentine activity has yielded some promise. Helps when you contact the right people and try to set something up. Nothing's final as of yet but we're looking to get a little soiree ... that's french for 'party' or 'gathering' for those of you who aren't savvy when it comes to francais... together for saturday or else I'll be spending it with plenty of highly intoxicated old people who think that they can still take over the world. I think I'll pick a bunch of teenage drunks over the adult drunks; at least I can control the teens. Bloody people and not knowing their limit. I dislike it so much when people can't handle their liquor, know they can't and still binge drink/ over drink to the point where they either pass out or do something really stupid. What really gets me going is when they end up doing something stupid against or to another person who's perfectly sober, or at least not as comparitively drunk. I remember one time they almost set the carpet on fire by lighting some alcohol and such - crazy times. speaking of fire... *lights a Candle.* There we go, that's a little more homely. I like fire. Don't get me wrong, I ain't no arsonist or anything - I like water too. I actually like all the elements though I don't fancy air much. Naturally I need it to breathe and everything - but it's just too common I guess. Fire's awesome - I guess you could call me a pyro... but since I like water just as much I suppose you could call me an aquatic pyro. Oh, I like that one - gotta remember that for a later date. My mom doesn't like water too much - she's afraid she'll drown. My sister hate fire - I think she was burnt as a child. Either that or she just fears too much and doesn't like whatever she feels she can't control. Alright, so obviously I know that the second one is the truth but I was trying to not make her feel bad. My father... I don't and personally I'm not too interested in what he doesn't like either. he doesn't like what he can't control (that's where my sister got it from) but he can be so arrogant at times that he thinks he can control everything he comes into contact with (my sister got that from him too.) I like to be in charge, but I don't have to control everything, just understanding it is sufficent enough. I guess my passive leadership abillities are a mix of my mother and father together and for that I am not at all displeased with on account of the fact that it's gotten me this far and I can maintain order/ peace much better then my mother, but not face as much resentment as my father would.
Today I felt like a good day only for one reason. My group (myself among a handful of females) were able to pull things together and finish all of the project that's due tomorrow for presentation and complete the bristol board visual. It looks darn good if I say so myself. If I could keep it I would but I know they'd think I was nuts if I did so I'll just have to throw it out. A good mix of balance, creativity, colour matching, planning and some improvisation; I think it's good. Maybe I could take a picture of it and post it somewhere up here... nevermind, now I just sound like a freak. So what else happened today *ponders* Oh yea, I found out that I'll probably end up being one of the following in my future:
1. Business-man/ con artist
2. Teacher/ professor
3. Dear Abby (help coloumnist)
4. Philosopher
5. Consultant
Yup, we did this bloody sheet that's suppose to tell you what you'll end up being when you're older so that you won't have to be like the rest of society and either change your professions three times or just be stuck in a job you hate. I personally think it's just a government thing to try and get everyone to be stable so that they can make BS calculations which wil ultimately help them to make more money and prey on us. It's like their cure for the midlife/ menopause crisis. We'll show them, we'll show them good. So here's the plan comrade, we'll all go out and make it in one profession and then we'll play "musical jobs" and someone'll go from being a sports star to a sanatation engineer and somebody else will go from being a domestic engineer to the head of a multi-million dollar corporation. And the beautiful thing is that because we're all under qualified for these new professions the government officials will be scrambling to try and make things better.
In a sense, I guess what I'm saying kinda resembles the synthesis/ antithesis/ thesis theory of marx... only mine is a little more chaotic and less feasible. I don't think I'd ever take part/ organize this kinda thing. Actually I'm not fond of the idea at all - All I really want is for the people of Ontario to open their blasted eyes and see that the Liberal Party which they voted in was the dumbest move of probably their entire life. If you logically think about it - how the hell can the provincal leader deliver all of the promises in one shot. How did you expect there to be more money if both the old and new leader are faced with the same debts and the same amount of resources? In actuality, the old leaders had more corporate and thus financial ties and would have banned public worker strikes. You friggin' fools. How could you not see that his whole platform was really a decoy to cover up his short-sighted planning-like characteristics? If we would have stuck with the old system, there would have been more money to go around, less taxes to pay and everyone would have been happier. All of the problems/ concerns in province would have gradually be reduced together, at the same levels, at the same time. Instead - you jackasses voted in some jerkoff who wants to fix one, possibly two problems at a time and then move unto the next problem. Meanwhile, while him and his government of foolhardy bleeding hearts were occupied with one mission, all of the other areas will suffer. And then if he is ever able to solve problem A and moves unto problem B, problem A will begin to suffer because you have to maintain the level of perfection. And the problem is that as humans we are never satisfied - if we can get ten dollars why not try an get fifteen? Now take that ten and fifteen and add six zeros at the end - that's what's going to happen. So why on earth did you vote for him? If this guy has the limited ability to solve two problems at a time and made immediate promises to eighteen different groups of people, did you really expect to be satisfied with his form of government? Maybe you were just optomistic that you and your groups problem would have been first on his agenda? All I have to say to the Provincal Liberal voters of Ontario is next time, don't just think about yourself, because even if you've been provided with a paradise, all it takes is your neighbour with his/ her own problems to ruin your little corner of the world. Just like how adam had it all but then eve came along with her problems and ruined it all. Or like even though you may not be drinking and driving and you're safe in your vehicle - the guy who's about to run into your car. Oh yea, he's drunk and he has ruined your safety of paradise. All I have to say to the Provincal Liberal voters of Ontatio is stop being so short sighted or you'll never get anywhere - unfortuantely you're not number one - the greater good is.
Why on earth is it that we've becomed such a ME society and not an US soceity? Whatever happened to the greater good of things? And we're so wrapped up in ourselves that we don't realize that we'll end up just destroying ourselves because by us benefitting/ being overly prosperous from something we really take it away from someone else. Problem is that we don't see it. Now, I'm not talking about this on a global level - that's a different story. I can't solve the world's problems - I'm just talking nationally/ socieitally. Eventually we'll self destruct - it's inevitable. The cards are dealt, the game has started and the sequences of events have been put into motion. All we've got to do is sit back and wait.
-Captain B. Waiting
Well I better go back and read yesterdays entry.