Damage Control

Feeling: cuddly
Ever got those moments when you just want to cuddle up with someone - anyone... well except maybe one of your ex's, or that smelly kid from up the road... anyway, ever for those moments? I'm having an extended one of those right now. I don't know what on god's green earth caused it to happen but all of a sudden I just want to go under my blankets (not necessarily in a bed) with someone there and just cuddle up with them. I'm sure most guys who read this are thinking "yea, that's just called being horney because you wanna get laid ." But I'm not even talking about having sex here - I'm just... ArrG! Why can't I explain this one properly? It's times like this I wish I lived close to a really good female friend or I wish I had a girlfriend. Oh how I recollect some of those memories like they occured not two minutes ago... ... Kinda makes you all warm and fuzzy on the inside but slightly mellow-depressed on the outside. This song isn't really helping much either, considering it's about rape and all. *Changes CD to Default - 'The Fallout'* There we go. I absolutely love that song I was listening to, but when I'm in certain moods, I know I can't listen to it becuase I'll either get so goddamned depressed thinking about all of the people I know who that's happened to, or I'll get really really displeased because rape is the crime I hate with the utmost passion. Take note of this my friends; for it is probably one of the only things that I will say that I hate. And some people actually think that putting sexual offenders in jail or even chemically castrating them will actually prevent these arseholes from reoffending. This is not the case because the problem does not lie south of the boarder in their pants. Oh no,no,no it lies up here *taps head three times with index finger* in their mind. And as much as we'd like to say we can fix and cure or even treat them through therapy it's not curable! Sexual preditors should be treated the same as a pshycopathic criminals for in both cases we cannot help them. And personally this is a plus to what I'd do to anyone who decided it would be fitting or justified for them to rape, molest or do any of that stuff. Seriously, there are 1-900 numbers if you can't get a date, there are people who are willing to get involved with you, though to be honest they may not be in their right minds either but that's okay because you're both insane. If I had it my way and the laws of the land were in the power of The Captain, I'd have ever single rapist and pedifile (including the priests) castracted (the old fashoined way; no anesthetics) and then I'd break both of their knees so that they'd never be able to walk again. And this is an extrmely dubbed down version. in the original thought process, the breaking of the legs were replaced by a decapitation; but that was thought to be too inhumane. But when you think about it, it's better that way *ponders* alright, so after we break their knees, I'm ending their life. But again, I'm god, nor can I even install these laws (assuming I were to ever get any form of power) for we have 'moved' unto a much more logical and sophisticated age, whereby what may be right is outweighed by our own need to glorify and justify our made up image or being a sophisticated and much more politically correct race as opposed to our predecessors (neanderthal, cro-magnon and so on.) I don't know - maybe I'm just too hard about this rape thing, but I swear to you that if you ever want to put me in a situation whereby you want me assult a person: put me in a closed room with a rapist and tell him to start talking to me about what he did. I swear to you that in under a half hour he will be at least unconscious. Now don't get me wrong. I am not a violent person by any means, but certain things have the ability to get me worked up. I'm sure that there are those of you out there who have read this much and are probably thinking that I'm an idiot for writing this or you're wondering what this has to do with anything and there is a point I am trying to make here. I've long forgot it, but there was a point. It'll come back to me eventually I think - hope - maybe. So yea. I don't suspect I'll be getting much of a reply to the whole rape thing which is totally legit. I know crime and punishment is somewhat of a taboo issue these days; particularly when it comes to the punishment aspect of it. And for those right winged people out there I do understand that the implimentation of my idea regarding penalties for rape would never be a reality due to the rights and freedoms established in the blah blah blah. And for my my realist comrades, I understand that it would never work due to overuse, abuse and lack of policing of the system itself. I understand all of that and plenty more and that is why I do not believe that the above suggestion or the dealth penalty for that matter would work in todays society. The underlying fact (whether you accept it or not) is that we are corrupt. As such these methods of punishment would not only prove we are no better then the people are are executing, but that the government and consequently the people of society admit, acknowledge and will do nothing to prevent further corruption. Or at least we will grant the means to see further or the sustainment of current corruption, because like it or not, if captial punishment were to go through - it would end up being a legal way for mobs, drug lords, rich people or the government to get rid of those annoying little people who oppose them. So what do we do? We claim they can be treated and thus we jepordize the safety and welfare of society to a lesser degree. I don't like it but when you consider the alternative - well I'll pick this one. It's a little something called damage control. I'm confident that you'll hear that term again in your life at some point in time. Remember, there's no such thing as a perfect system or a perfect ideology on account that: 1. We ourselves are imperfect 2. You can't please everyone all of the time. However, what you can do is convince everyone that they are someone pleased with the current situation by outlining the negative side to things. Needless to say that a good politian would never, ever tell the public how things could improve becase god knows we'd all want that. But then again, our leaders can't figure out how to improve things overall, they can only improve things one at a time and at the cost of other areas. Oh look, the economy's up, good job mr. President. Yea, but what about the education fund you fool? Ever wonder where they took the money from to jump start the economy? That's what I thought. The truth is that our elected or self appointed leaders are merely people to maintain our current system. Not to improve it. To shuffle around the weight of badness in the attempts that eventually, one day things'll improve. But what they fail to see is that the ony way you can truly be great or to make your way into the text books (if that be the goal) is to improve things overall. And by that it doesn't necessarily mean to take on the Ontario PC's attemot at running the province. Although I do admit they were doing a better job at running the province in comparison to the truly right winged liberals. At any rate, what I mean is that you can at least improve one thing while not effecting anything else and thus you will, in fact be improving the overall status of the country, province etc. It is both feasible and probable. Afterall, over the past century of North America, we have had some relatively great politcal doers. Not so much thinkers in comparison to other parts of the world, but you do get what I'm saying. So it is possible, it's just that people want things to come easy. Work is so hard and when you're going up against a system and people who have been brainwashed, convinced and brought up in this system - you can hardly get a word in edgewise. The most you can do is try to improve things while abiding by what's going on. Now mind you, I'm not trying to undermine this great democracy we have grown to know and love. In fact, I believe that this is one of the better synthesis' as prescribed by Hegel. Who knows, maybe one day (probably long after I'm dead) but maybe, just maybe we'll arrive to what is the truth in regards to governing ourselves and others. Until next time, -Captain B. Still Cuddly
Read 6 comments
I read this entry twice, and at first I thought I missed something, but then it dawned on me I'm just not smart enough to understand;) Haha, but it sounded like a good entry.
I did howeverm agree on your rape issue. Rape infruiates (dont mind my spelling) me, and is not something that should be and remain thought of so second-handedly
Hmm, well, I'm sure there's at least one girl out there who wants to cuddle with you, give me a call the second I'm single and we'll see what we can do *wink* Just kidding, of course but still. Hmm, I agree with your position on rapists, but I have my own reasons for that...You know what I mean. I also agree with your opinion of the government, though that could be sticky as we live in different countries..your government or mine? That sounds....
like a very sad and frightening pick-up line...*shudder* I think I'll leave before I do more damage...
I read this entry twice, and at first I thought I missed something, but then it dawned on me I'm just not smart enough to understand;) Haha, but it sounded like a good entry.
I did howeverm agree on your rape issue. Rape infruiates (dont mind my spelling) me, and is not something that should be and remain thought of so second-handedly.
I'm playing that song right now, and randomly flipping through diaries and saw your title. Freaked me out, dude. lol, take care.
I definitely meant for that to be on One is the Loneliest Number...!
I'm so copying and pasting.