A Short Drop & A Sudden Stop

Feeling: grounded
Grounded - not in the sense that I'm being punished; but instead like the way that I'm feeling very close to the ground... level headed and such. Today was good, everything went sufficently well... considering. So how are you doing out there in the sitD world? I had an alright day I suppose, I felt that I got a lot acomplished. There's actualy a little story about that. Want to hear? Well, if you don't you could always click somewhere else to read someone elses entry but if you want to, you're more then welcomed to stay, mix a drink, pull up a couch... uh, I mean, err, A chair. Yea, a chair. So let's all gather around the fire *lights the fire place* and hear a story. Well, last night I was layuing in bed and I couldn't sleep. Just had too much on me mind, too many things to do. So finaly, at about 12:50 at night, I jumped out of bed, grabbed a slice of paper and wrte down everythig I wanted to do today (monday). And that kiddies is the story of last night. Well, there was more tp last night but it only involves more Grey Earl, sleeplessness and some really... non appropriate thoughts. *blushes* Don't worry, it's not x-rated or anything, just more then "PG" so we gotta leave those to the private lines and back channels. So I'm kinda running out of things to say right now because I'm extremely hungry. For the past three days I haven't eaten my usual amount of food due to certain... circumstances. So all day I had about four things on my mind: food, fire, female(s) and fricken problems. Yup, so that's what my day consisted of. I can't say that it was eventfl other then the fact that I got slapped with two crazy assignment due this Wednesday. *Yarr* I can't say that I'm going to write anything revolutionary today, even though I planned on it last night. Yes, I even wrote that on my 'To Do List'. Ha, I'm such a nerd and such. I had something really good to talk about too. *Thinks* *Thinks Some More* ... Oh yes, I do recall that. Thank god for that bloody phone call. Fire, the fire don't worry - I ain't a pyro, but I do enjoy some good fire-play. I would have said fire-work, but that looks too much like fireworks which aren't that great. But yea, fire - I like fire. When I grow up, I'm going to get myself a nice little corner of the world and what I'm going to do is, I'm going to make sure that this place has a fire place. They're always so damn cozy, even the little crappy ones. And what they're even better for is cuddling up with that special someone over. And that's the additional beauty of fire and fireplaces, they're good all year round - summer, winter, fall. Well, not so much the spring but if you're really slick you can work it into a romantic evening, just the two of you. Anyone who's ever tried it knows what I'm talking about. And for those of you who haven't, well, see if you can get around to that in your life time because, in my opinion, fire is really under-rated and under-valued as well. Granted it's destructive at times, but when you know how to work it properly (like I'm sure most of you do) then you'll truly see what I'm saying. *Lights a Cinnamon Candle* I love cinnoman too. It's best in the fall and winter. And, I only chew Cinnamon gum in the fall and winter, kinda gets me in the mood for... well, ya know ;o) Yes, if you guessed Christmas you are totally right. I'm not sure if it can get me into the mood for the other thing that you may have been thinking about... I'll have to test that out one day. *Pauses* Yea, one day... maybe it'll be the same day I get out of this journey we call "life". To quote Bob Marley "Oh, what a Rat race..." And isn't that the truth? Life is just one big rat race. Maybe I just ought to lighten up a little eh? Yours, -Captain B. Thinking
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For any of you out there who are looking to contact me outside of SitDiary, just email me at the address provided in my user info. No pressure though, if you don't want to you don't have to - I'm not abot to force anyone to do anything... it's just not right.

Hey, thanks for commenting honestly on my little rhyme. I see your point, it's so hard to get the rhythm of something when you're reading it. That's a shame too, as the rhythm is all that songs got going for it. Hmm, to tell you the truth I think the lyrics are remarkably shitty. I'm planning on deleting that, maybe rewriting the lyrics and putting it back up. *Shudder* Early morning lyric writing. 'Tis a scary scary thing. -BB
Of course you can call me your friend, I'd be honored. Haha...I guess too bad you didnt get hit with that ice/snow thing. I want it to snow so badly down here, but winter seems warmer then usual. Mmmm keep that Cinnamon candle burning thats one of the few candle scents I enjoy. And I lvoe your music tastes, Bon Jovi is awesome! Anyway, Nice talking to you!
cuddling up in front of the fireplace and lighting cinnamon candles? you're a hopeless romantic just like me captain. i'd love to cuddle up in front of the fire with someone sometime. *ponders* maybe someday...but i might be dreaming. hope you have a good night honey

love you,
ah i didn't even notice the song that you're listening to! i love that song, almost as much as i love you :D