Half A World Away

Feeling: addicted
Howdy partner. So how is everyone today? I hope all is relatively well and everyone's still in one piece. Sorry this wasn't on yesterday, should have been but it wasn't so forgive me madams. Let me just pre-date this for yesterday and we're on the road once again. Anyway, so I was just perusing around and I picked up two sayings somewhere... actually, I picked up one and developed the other based on myself kind of. Today is the Yesterday you'll worry about Tomorrow (that one was mine) Today is the Tomorrow you worried about Yesterday. (taken) I know that they're not revelations or anything of the sort, but I thought they were clever, particularly since it incorporates every tense of the immediate days. But this is going somewhere, I swear it. But it's so true (one more than the other at times.) How often do we find ourselves worrying about tomorrow when really we should be concentrating about what's before us. OR here's the one that I'm most guilty of in my pass time, worrying about yesterdays and trying to come up with some half-baked (which was an alright movie by the way) plan on how to attempt to correct the past. I'm serious. I'll give you an example, and I've seen it ample times before. A couple, two people, they're together and before they look at what the hells going on in their relationship right now, trying to solve the problems at hand, they're look to the future- planning things that if they don't keep their eyes open they'll never make it to. Weddding rings, dress, names decor and so on and so forth. Why on earth are you worrying about that when the lines of communication are barely open? or why worry about then when you barey have a relationship right now. I find it difficult to figure out just why people make long-term plans about situations that are clearly broken. And then when the feces bits the fan they wonder just how they got their heart broken. Now, don't get me wrong, I sympathize for these poor souls, I really do, but in a sense I wonder what was going throgh their mind at the time. I mean, you're in the relationship or the situation, how could you not see that. I know love is blind but don't tell me that at some point in time you didn't have any second thoughts/ guesses. You see, those second thoughts, those hesitations are our safety mechanisms because we always never have all of the information, so something kicks in to say "whoaaa, hold on there partner." And at time we dismiss that thought when we shouldn't. Our gut instinct is there for a reason- not that it's god given to make us step all over ourselves. It's there to help us out because as much as we may convince ourselves that everything's just peachy and is ready for the next stage of development, it may not be the case. So although certain situations can feel oh so good and it can seem just like the right thing, right now - it may not be. I want to make something clear though - I'm not saying to get involved with something anf try to stay absolutely objective and skeptical about things because lord knows that that never gets anyone anywhere... even a C.O. You've got to weigh everything agianst each other in the given circumstance and go with what you feel would be the right course of action. Not with what you believe is the right course of action because our opinions and perspectives are usually, 99.99 percent of the time tainted. so try and sort through it all and come to a logical conclusion. If ya don't do this, you'll find yourself in more problems than you can shake a stick at. And I know, I know, right about now I must sound like a crazy person off on some personal tangent but hones to god this in no way has anytihng to do with the way I'm feeling right now. If you wanna know the truth, right now I'm feeling happy and pensive about different matters... just nothing that I feel confident enough to write about; but then again that's always been a problem of mine, hasn't it? Anyway What I don't want you to become is an emotionless driod who only looks at things one way because you've convinced yourself that by going through a certain process you'll always obtain the truth, the realness of life. What you're basically doing would be the same thing as everyone else, only you'd be obtaining a different result. As humans we analyze a situation based on certian criteria, based on a certain method - which is as much fact as personal intuition and then come up with a conclusion that we feel is correct. By analyzing things and being totally objective, you are - now brace yourself here - actually being subjective. I know that this is going to sound out there but nowadays, the closest thing to the truth and reality we will ever get is something called: subjective objectivity. I'm not sure if any philosopher has coined that phrase as of yet but if not, remember that you heard it here first: the Captain's diary. Anyway, where was I? Ah yes - sub ob. Well what it is is that we've become so engulfed by the idea of subjectiveness (which we don't even realilze) that all of our values are now warped into that. Every single one of us is like that. Our view, though we may try to objectify it as much as we may, it'll never truly reach that. And even if we could, even if we could obtain total objectivity here's the fatal redundancy to it all, ready for it? You'd be attempting to objectively analyze a strictly subjective world... Does anyone by me see the problem with that in regards to obtaining an objective POV. Anyone by me? Maybe I'm just odd like that. Who knows, maybe we've already obtained this, or maybe this is as good as it gets - as close to reality as we'll ever get becuase that's as far as our little minds will/ can expand. I'm apt to believe that, in fact as a person who has and always will believe in something else more than we are I'm forced to believe that because if this is as good as it EVER gets... well, than we're all in trouble, because not only would there have been wasted time, money and lives, but what's more than that is that we'd ultimately be wrong about everything, and I mean everything. Let me explain. Every single society is based upon the fact that we can and must better ourselves - always something better, grater and faster out there. Whether we be in N.A. finding a solution to a tech. problem, in china figuring out a mathematical problem or in Africa trying to figure out how to get water to circulate the entire friggen contenient for free - we're always thinking that there is a problem and that it lies within each and every one of us. Now granted we are our own worse problem on a small scale, but what if on a large scale (eliminating individulas for a moment in time) what if we are actually just here. This is the peak of mankind. The technological age is the zenith of it all and than we're just going to revert back into the various ages working from industialization all the way back to the Cro Magnon. If that be the case than this is as far as we CAN expand and that means for us (to cut a long theorm short) this is the objective truth. Now I'm not willing to settle with that because I have my own ideas and ideals as to what the ultimate of ultimate is (and trust me this is all speaking outside the realm of religion. If you believe in that, that's great but I'm going to stick to working out here in the real word for today.) But let me look at it like this, if I have my own ideas and you have yours and every Tom Dick and Sally (should be harry, I know but the whole gender bias would have gotten me in trouble) than what is true? what is the one ultimate truth that for some reason we cannot get our minds around far enough. What are the one commonalities that we can all agree on because I'm having a real trouble figureing this out... seeing as we can't even agree upon whether or not the society or person is of greater importance (and trust me here folks - you'd be surprised at the responses I've gotten about that one in the past) All I'm saying is that if we can't even agree on whether this particular shade of aqua is more green or blue how is it that we're suppose to come to terms with the larger things? And don't you dare sit there and tell me that we work ourslves from the larger issues in to the smaller ones because although the large issues are a direct result of the little issues and that the large issues may be a result of what the small issues actually mean to everyone, I am not willing to believe that our brain is working in that fashion because that would mean that it takes more logic to figure out how to start a fire than to set up a network to get this ramblings to you. Oh, and if you wish, you can blame all of the nuclear testings and radiation on what I just said, but if you do that - I'd be force think about exactly why it is you're not seeing things the way they truly are... *raises eyebrows* Cordially, -Captain B. Aqua
Read 3 comments
Cool thoughts.
I don't like aqua...
I love the pictures in your diary.. and the way you write! You're very talented.
thank you for your comment.. and I don't mind you reading it at all... hopefully you don't mind me reading yours. you're an amazing writer.