the lulluby of broadway

Meow. Well I'm here in Baltimore at my brothers place and it's about 12 at night...9 Ventura time. Anyways. Yah so New York was freaking awesome...and I have concluded that I am going to live there. I want to go to NYU and dance w/ their dance program...and take singing lessons so I can be in a broadway musical. In New York City. My picture will be in billboards in Times Square... that would be the day. but hey! a girl can dream can't she? Even thought New York was awesome and everything...I WANNA GO HOME! I miss everyone... dont you realize that being away from a place for a certain amount of time just makes you want to go back? well i wanna go back. yaya i got a new trucker hat at the quicksilver store in times square...its makes me happy. It has a monster looking like hes gonna eat all the buildings on the New York skyline and it was 'Quicksilver NYC'. For Zoë and Wyatt: MICA is an AWESOME school. My brother gave my mom and I a tour of the campus today. Its freaking awesome...even though Baltimore is kind of a hell hole.... oh well! if you go to MICA you will become good artist. you should see some of thestuff my brother has done! oh yea today for lunch we ate at the dining commons. they are tight. it made me want to go to college. woot. thats all for now amanda
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amanda you are very cool.

NYC is rockin'
dining commons are tight...
Until you realize its the same food...
for eternity...
haha, good social though.
talk to ya later
wow... broadway. i love musicals. if i were a dancer thatd be my dream too. i wish... aw man. dancing is awesome. i hope you keep it up because you were really great at the talent show. zoë told me you choreographed it too. thats amazing, amanda. good luck :)

new york kicks ass


ventura pride
I'm gonna be on broadway too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna be the new millie!!!!! after my idol sutton foster!!
oh and NYC rocks my preverbial socks!!!