not pregnant and proud??

endless love you are so right. i am not going to hide what i did. and i cant regret it. im only human and we all make mistakes. man that saying is so damn cliche. anyways my baby came out in one peice during a sexual incounter with its father. not only is it sick but it is embarrasing. weird thing is he cried. and cried. and then i cried b/c he was crying i knew it was gone long ago. it had developed like arms well like i dont think it has legs. just some tail like thing and lil things like arms that reach out. if he had ever doubted me this gave him a real reason not to. its not that i am ashamed of what i did i just dont want to have to read about it anymore. paranoid b/c all of the rumors going around my school. i finally realized where they come from. the wrong people know about stuff. i mean my brothers know. but then so does his girlfriend. and i dont tell her biz and she values that so maybe she'll do the same for me. no idea. not worried. im not pregnant everything else people can leave to the imagination. but then his friends know. his closests ones. and yea they keep stuff cool. but then i am pretty sure they talk about it when they get high. anyways i am not prepared for his friends to know and if they know how i lost it everybody will know exactly how true it is. well i cant worry. its over now. praise be to God. got to go luv always Sugah
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ack, i've forgotten to tell you for the longest time...

i LOVE your picture with the rose and such. it's simply gorgeous! very... glittery
as soon as i saw that quote, i loved it...

and i'll try to be more positive and happy as long as it helps you in some way, if reading a happy journal entry will brighten your spritits, well then so be it!
*waves magical wand of doom*

oops, wrong wand...
**magical wand of happiness*

CRAP i'm tired, it's 2 in the morning... *gets up to get munchies and more of the blessed/cursed caffine*
distance sucks LOTS. i heard a quote and it's so true: "distance is to love as wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small and enkindles the great"

im sorry to hear about how you lost your baby. i guess now that youve been through all that drama and emotions, you may have learned something? hopefully all the pain wasnt in vain.. don't think im trying to judge you or push morals onto you.. i shouldnt be judging anyone. i just hope youll be alright
aaw you mentioned me in your diary! *tear*. yea lots of people have been telling me that i look like people they know. its weird. im glad you're not pregnant though. 15 is quite young. im really glad i get to meet all kinds of people through sit. i think it can teach others lessons they havent learned yet, that others have learned the hard way. im glad you share this in your diary. im sure its helped many people out there. :)