Blunt Realization

Feeling: enlightened
I just woke up and we're not going on the lake today, because some people blocked in our boat... so that's no good. But we got to go to the strip last night, and I realized alot about society, now that sounds cheesy, and the concept of it kinda is... but I realized that originality is something that people require, and people get so stuck in being original that they forget to be themselves. And I had to become one in a part of this massive crowd, which I don't usually have to do, but I adjusted... and I realized that judging these people isn't going to change anything, but that i'm actually like called to love them... it's none of my buisness what people do wrong, it's only to see what they do right and accept them whether or not they're willing to accept the love that's been provided for them. Okay, one more thing, I also realized that all that is just about independence day has seemlessly been robbed from America, we've become so adjusted to all of this proud to be an American catch-phrases, that we don't even realize that we're not supposed to be prideful about our country, but greatful for what we've got, and not to be aggressive militia types that threaten all in our path. But that's my two cents kids... So have a nice day everyone.
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Dude. You play bass? Awesome. ::thumbs up::
hey davie, u are still in las vegas.. and i'm leaving in 24 hours.. so if i don't talk to you b4 i leave (i'll try to thought) luv ya bunches and hope you have a fun two weeks w/out me!