"Then the sniper comes out"

Feeling: accomplished
So i just went to the movies with a bunch of kids from Highland's and we had good fun... but the movie was pretty dumb. (How To Deal). So whenever there was a sentimental moment we'd say that's when the sniper comes out and kills the main character. Or the baby this one girl had is really a bomb, and it explodes killing everyone... yeah, ya kinda had to be there. But my grandfather is in town, and it's kinda sad, because my grandma was just moved into an Alzheimer's home and he's really sad about the whole thing... it's not fun to go through, but that's life i guess. So I'm gonna hang out with Laurie tomorrow, but I still don't know when... :-/... maybe i should start making plans?... Nah. Have a grand night everyone. Be sure to thank your local tapdancing ninja for not voting for Iraqi liberation. (randomness, just ignore it)
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oooh la la
i did thank him...then he proceeded to tapdance down the street all his wonderful ninja-ness.