The Catapult

Feeling: nostalgic
This weekend consisted of 3 things, Sugar, Gameboy and Longboarding (insanely, ridiculously steep hills). Kevin and I did a total of about 4 hours of longboarding on Saturday and then saw a sneak preview of Starsky and Hutch which was hilarious if I do say so myself. Just remember if you see it when it comes out this single line... "Two Dragons...(Scene Change)...*ackward silence*" You won't understand until you see it, but anyways... longboarding was partially insane after we got back from Mummy Mountain (longboarding heaven) and back up to my house (MMR) because I drove Kevin and I around and... well, let's just say I took full advantage of the fact that I have a car. Anywho, remember, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility, consider others better than yourselves." (Phillipians 2:3)
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kevin..i used to know a guy named kevin. i miss that guy. a lot. anywho..glad you're having fun ~Ash~
*ackward silence...*

this is really "ackward"
hey i was lookin at your info there and your webpage was for AZ shows... is that where u live? dude if u are let me know...that'd be awesome. ne ways have a good one...later