
I'm home from work, and I'm trying to relax after 10 hours of work and 2 hours of homework... it's not exactly the most fun schedule, but I know that the work that I do now will be rewarding later. I'm finding out a couple more things out of this situation I'm in. Reconciliation is not fun. It's not fun at all. But I have to, it's almost like it's my job as a Christian... and when I do, things become ten times better than I could've imagined. I still have just constantly thought about all that I've learned about forgiveness and how it means not only letting go of your anger, but forgetting about it and moving on... as for me, the hardest thing is just forgetting about it. I've moved on, but I just feel like these people should really know how hurt I was over this stuff. Just how much it genuinely let me down. And I just can't stop thinking about how much I hate the situations I'm in with some people, and how much better things would've been if last week hadn't happened. As for the election, I'm okay with the way it turned out, and as I said earlier, it is all my fault anyways. The ultimate test will be this week, seeing how these people act with how much responsibilty they've just been handed, and how they treat the people around them. I really hope that they actually apply a little bit of compassion, or even sympathy this week. The only thing I hate about elections is the fact that people who have had something with a group, or affiliate can just be instantly, illogically demoted... once again though, me being selfish. I'm going bed guys. Sleep well.
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David I really feel like if you have something to say to any of us in StuGo, this is not the place.
i heart your bass
