THE LONGEST SURVEY EVER! (that I jacked from a five iron chi

Feeling: eh
Name: David Patrick Blakeman Nicknames: Dave, Blake, Dood, The Skanker Formally Known As David, Bobby Bisbee *shifty eyes* Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 4... I'm special Date that you regularly blow them out: November 24th Pets: kitty kat named Mel (Crapeson, Goodlesburt, Crablerton, Smellborough) Height: 6' 2" Eye color: sissy man blue Hair Color: brown nationality: half DO, a quarter NOT, and one sixteenth CARE. bro/sis: One sister, she's in south Africa on a mission trip, check out her diary tho (Steph) Tattoos: just you wait scoundrel Piercing: nope Favourite snack: Soda/Candy CD currently in CD player: Mp3 CD I made... it's got: all Five Iron Frenzy CDs, all Supertones CDs and All Relient K CDs. Song I could listen to all day: Tonight- The O.C Supertones, and MxPx- Set The Record Straight Last book I read: Arthur Miller- Death Of A Salesman, and a graphic novel by Alan Moore called Promethia Book I'm curently reading: X-Men, Onslaught Series (Boy/Girl)friend: No :-( Fave DQ blizzard: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups Coolest thing in my room: Water Bed :-) Hidden talent: Singing, Music, Juggling... pretty much anything, and Longboarding Hidden talent I wish I had: I wish I could phase through walls and see through wood doors like X-Ray cat. Future aspirations: Ska bassist/ Inventor/ Writer/ Super hero Favorite band/artist of the moment: Five Iron Frenzy (duh)... I just left that one on there. Life Lesson of the moment: People have a choice to believe what they want to believe about Jesus, he was either a liar, a lunatic... or the only way. How much do you love your job: i don't so much have one... but if I had one, I'm sure I'd enjoy it. Birthplace: Fort Gordon (Martinez), Georgia Had the drink Calypso: i don't even know what that is. Been to Africa?: My sister's there now... but no I haven't. Been drunk?: nope Been in a car crash?: Yeah... with my sister. Croutons or Bacon Bits: Okay, both. Sprite or 7 Up?: Cherry Coke Coffee or Ice cream: Okay... coffee is stinkin like dirty water, so definitely ice cream. Favorite Holiday: Christmas... but sometimes Valentine's Day Day of the Week: Saturday TV show: Family Guy, Futurama, X-Men: Evolution... in reverse order Number: 451 Why that number? Farenheit Movie: Ocean's Eleven, Catch Me If You Can... basically anything blatantly intellectual. Movie quote: "Well sure it's big enough... but look at the location" -Shrek "My mom gave me a dollar, and dropped me off in the parking lot" -Wayne's World 2 "That is the sexiest thing I have ever seen" -Ocean's Eleven Toothpaste: What the crap kinda question is that... what kind?... i don't know... Crest I guess? Restaurant: Flo's, In 'N Out, The Old Brickhouse (Ska Shows) Flower: Dandelion Sport to Watch: Butt Painting... just kidding... um, none... spectator sports are pretty much dumb for the most part, but I guess skateboarding is pretty rad. Type of Ice cream: Peanut Butter When was your last hospital visit? like... a couple months ago, I visted my friend Austin after her crashed his motorcycle. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Maaaaaaaybe... basically yes. Which single store would you choose to max your credit card? Goodwill or Savers Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest away from you?: Zachy P. (ha)... he lives in Minnesota, or maybe Jordan S... he lives in Hawaii now... which is farther from Az? What is your favorite past time: Going to the skatepark all the time, setting off fireworks and high speed hooliganism in Ian's car. What is your favorite time of year?: Fall Where do you want to live?: California Sharks or crocodiles?: did you just say snarf? Coke, soda, or pop?: Sodee Pop What is the happiest moment in your entire life?: when I found out what life was all about (i.e, God) What do you do most often when you are bored?: Play bass, guitar... or go longboarding. Is there anyone you're crushing on right now? Yes. Most annoying thing is: Jocks... and crust punk kids who are way too emo for themselves and they don't even realize it. Best thing: The thing in the bass amp (Aquabats) Bedtime on a normal day: like 11ish What Disney character are you most like? The one fat dood from Country Bears, and that one fox from Pinnochio What is your favorite color: Black... like my soul (totally kidding) probably blue or yellow Favourite sport: Panda tossing, shotgun shootin, hamster divin, monkey racin, bazooka or shotgun tag... and bass offs (for goofy egotistical old men) Favorite cartoon: Futurama or Family Guy Favorite cartoon character: Stewy from Family Guy have you ever... smoked: no. But like my limbs have been like smoking from fireworks and stuff. drugs: nope lied: Never... so basically sometimes stayed up all night talking to someone: many a time snuck out: uh... I'm not at liberty to discuss that at this point in time (oh yes) favorite sounds: Engine noise (not obnoxious tho) and Longboard wheels favorite places: Greece, Vilseck and Venice future daughters' names: no idea... up to my wife future sons' names: Micah... and Harvey (TWO TONE BABY STYLE) who is your favorite poet? Robert Frost storms- cool or scary? way cool If you could have $100,000,000 what would you buy? I'd buy a car for my dad, a house for my friends, a building for my church... and lots and lots of trampolines and longboards for people. If you had to pick between a month in France or in Switzerland, which would you pick and why? Are those my only choices? France... been to Switzerland. What is the strangest food you have ever eaten? Did you like it? Uh... i don't know If you could live in any time period, when would it be? Why? Egypt, like when it was rad... and probably 60s California Do you ever want to get married? Yes How many kids? 2 Do you believe in love at first sight: sometimes If you could dye your hair any color: black or blue do you believe in chain letters? no... way too annoying Do women suck? no... they're way cool Craziest thing you've ever done? gone cliff diving with the cast of Friends off of the grand canyon... (so basically, I've done some pretty rad stuff) What's the band you hate the most? Simple Plan/ Good Charlotte/ All American Rejects/ Toxic Narcotic Favorite thing to wear: My yellow striped McDonalds worker shirt do you have a crush? ah yes what's his/her name? I'm so not telling how does he/she act? Way cool, relaxed, attractive, intellectual Habla Espanol? mas o menos Color of Socks: none usually Zoo Exhibit: Manatees Sesame Street Character: THE COUNT! What is your favorite Beatles song: Hard Day's Night Worst smell in the world? Lemons and Vanilla Do you sing random songs that come to mind everyday?: All the stinkin time man What's in your head at this very moment? So I says to um... dat's not my dawg... dat's my wife! Have You Fallen For Your Best Friend?: yes Made Out W/ Just A Friend?: no Been Rejected?: oh lonely night (Codename:Rocky) Been In Love?: yes Been In Lust?: Darn you survey... yes Used someone?: sometimes Been Used?: don't think so... actually yes Been Cheated On?: i don't think so... nobody really could cheat on me because they wouldn't be cheating because I haven't gone out with anyone in like forever Been Kissed?: yes Done Something You Regret?: yes
Read 8 comments
so if you do win $100,000,000 can i have one of those trampolines? that would so rock..i've wanted one since forever. ah well.
that was a long survey, indeed. and since i'm bored, i may just fill it out myself. haha, i'm totally copying you..sorry.
talk to ya later! ciao!
FRANCE???...seriously dude...France!...I mean...I
FRANCE?!?!?! YOU HEATHEN!!!!!!!! anyways that was a freakin long survey dude, but i dled that Supertones song (Tonight) and its stinkin rad. latez dude.
man the surveys to take forever..but it kills some boredom lol
that is all.
you're so funny... but so god damn stupid
your so much like me its not funny
soooo wierd
email me
...gewdness, dew yew hav a lif? nice site tho. ur crazier than me..ah!ur crazier than i.. dude..i need a me