Listening to: The Living End- Maitland Street
Feeling: alright
One thing I realized about video games is this... some take a loooong time to play and get used to for that matter. I just borrowed Final Fantasy Tactics:Advance for my Gameboy Player (for my Gamecube)... and I played for two hours and I didn't even gain anything... not Health, not Fun, not Experience. I think it's just one of those games that kids have to play for 30 hours before it actually starts, or even gets fun. I think gaming should be spontanous, thought provoking, visually stimulating and fun... nothing more, nothing less. I enjoy RPG's (role-playing games) as much as the next video-game kid, but this is ridiculous guys. I wonder if Hadas will mind if I wear a tux made of saran wrap to prom?... Sleep well kids.
"In all things set them an example by doing what is good"
Titus 2: 7
Just a little encouragement for the week. I know you touch lots of people everyday whether or not you know it.
I love you.