Gaming For Bragging Rights

Feeling: alright
One thing I realized about video games is this... some take a loooong time to play and get used to for that matter. I just borrowed Final Fantasy Tactics:Advance for my Gameboy Player (for my Gamecube)... and I played for two hours and I didn't even gain anything... not Health, not Fun, not Experience. I think it's just one of those games that kids have to play for 30 hours before it actually starts, or even gets fun. I think gaming should be spontanous, thought provoking, visually stimulating and fun... nothing more, nothing less. I enjoy RPG's (role-playing games) as much as the next video-game kid, but this is ridiculous guys. I wonder if Hadas will mind if I wear a tux made of saran wrap to prom?... Sleep well kids.
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hey its sophie. hadas' friend and the girl who used to go to highlands? i never know if you really remember me, lol. but whats new? i saw your diary entry on the front page thing, thats pretty random. i never thought i'd see anyone i know on there! adios

"In all things set them an example by doing what is good"
Titus 2: 7

Just a little encouragement for the week. I know you touch lots of people everyday whether or not you know it.

I love you.

psst...ive still got the remainder of aduct tape jacket and pants (pristine condition) from state convention. it would cost you, but its available for rent lol
Thanks...heh heh....I am his number one fan :D
V V thelittledutchgirl
HEY david it's kaylee(your sister in Fiddler)lol.. and my buddy katie.. just wanted to say hi and that you remind us of this guy in pretty in pink.
All our knowledge merely helps us to die a more painful death than the animals that know nothing.