That Stare

Feeling: lovesick
I just realized something. Some people can just make you seem to be something other than you are. They make you act in a manner that is completely atypical of your usual self. I thought about it, and of all the people on planet Earth that do this to me, the sum is 3. They can shatter my masculinity regardless of how confident I feel around my peers... at any time too. I think it might be the fact that all of them are girls, maybe not. Maybe it has to do with the fact that all three of these girls aren't really that close to me at all. I don't so much understand what it is about them, but when I talk to them, or interact with them, I can't talk right, or act myself or have a decent conversation for that matter. I'm pretty sure they don't know each other, but they share a similar trait of making me feel like a fool in their prescence. They just have such a strength or kind of confidence that I thought I had, but when I'm with them, it's gone... and to tell you the truth it's kinda cool. I don't know, maybe I'm not making sense, maybe I am... either way, I've noticed this ridiculous phenomenon and documented it for the first time as of right now. You guys should probably tell me what you think, and if you agree it's only confirming that I'm not clinically insane. I'm going to be kids, sleep well.
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Davie, I love you so much man. Hope everything is going well my friend.


cool sitD
i feel the same way around one of my best freinds. its been two some years and i still feel like that.... squishmaster1
hey love the journal david! i totally know how you feel about all of that...
by the way thanks for the pic's there great!!!!!

Kaylee and Katie
i know what you're talking about, and i'm actually surprised its not like that with more people. i realized this same thing a while back, and what happens is i just have a nack for fitting in with whoever i'm with, or at least pretending i fit in. its terrible to think about, but around some people i don't think even half of the stuff i say is remotely true unless i'm with them. its really bizarre, but hey, its life, and weird stuff hapens.
Hey Jazz compadre! Thanks for the sweet entry on my journal. It made me smile! I hope your junior year is going along smoothly! ttyl David.
hey...i haven't talked to you in forever! but that entry..i know what you mean. there is one boy in peticular that can do that to me. it's crazy, i know..but you're not insane. :) ~Ash~