Good Luck With That

Feeling: screwed
I just got back from church, and our group discussion got me wondering. Am I ever going to find a girl who thinks the same way I do. I sometimes think about how many people I know, and how many of those people I know believe the same things that I do, and how man of those people who care about people and life the way that I do... it's not that many. It's not that I'm worried about who I'm going to spend the rest of my life with, and it's not hard to tell that I think high school dating isn't exactly the most prevalent objective in my life right now. But I just can't help but think about it you know? I hope there is someone out there for waiting for me, but more importantly (this may sound weird), I hope that I'm the person someone is waiting for, if that makes sense. Well otherwise life has been fantastic. We had a late start @ school today because the sophomores were testing and I did a great job of waking up at 12:30 today and sucessfully showing up for the last two of my five classes. It was pretty cool though, I got to have In 'N' Out Burger for lunch, which is never a bad thing. There is one definite, wait two definite things for me to look forward to in days to come. One, as I mentioned earlier is camp this weekend (in California (I get to go for free (and play bass for a bunch of crazy Jr. High kids))) and the other is the fact that Relient K is playing a sold out show tomorrow night and guess who DOESN'T have tickets... that's right, I'll be at the door @ 4pm for the show that starts at 7. If you all care to look back, I had the worst experience ever missing them the last time they were in town. It's strange that the show is sold out though, I remember first getting into them back when their first album came out, and seeing them open for Five Iron... now they're a national phenomenon (and for good reason, if I do say so myself). There new album is probably my favorite album by any band... even though it is completely different musically than most of the bands I listen to, it just has powerful content, songwriting and legitimacy to it. If I don't get in tomorrow, I might cry like a four year old... but more importantly, I'll sneak in. Have a great night kids.
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You are wise beyond your years, I hope you know this. (Or maybe its good you dont cuz your head my blow up, and that'd be messy)...Remember that God knows the desires of your heart...He knows what you want in "that" girl. He does, just be praying for her, about her. Thats all. I love you David.
Oh david. you long lost lovestruck/searching boy. since all modern forms of direct communication seem to be cut off when it comes to contacting you, i think i might resort to letters.perhaps courier pigeons? do we have pigeons in arizona?there is much in my life i want to let you in on, and probably much in yours that you might not want to let me in on but i'll find out anyways, we'reboth gone this wkend and i hope we both have a wonderful time
i agree RK is awesome. Did you read the reviews that windows media player gave it. theres like this review on there, and it was bogus. squishmaster1

DAVID~there is always someone out there for you..and of course they are searchign for hte right person which could be you!
we all <3 u david
<3 alex