"Love the way she never looks my way."

Feeling: good
So I got into this conversation about girls with the girl that sits by me in Algebra II and she kept asking what kind of things I liked in girls, and about my prior girlfriends... and I realized that I really have no prior experience with girls and I'm total doof when it comes to socializing with the girls that I like... yeah I said doof. I just get all nervous and stuff... typical scenario: Girl I Like: "Hey David." David: Um... hey... you, uh I was um wondering if uh, maybe you wanted to... um, go do... something." Girl I Like: "No David... i don't want to lose our special friendship, you're just too good for me." David: "Uh... okay, well uh, see you later" You see, in usual social situations I'm this kind of suave, nice, social guy... but not in this case, it's a personality disorder or something... but I have nothing really to whine about, I'm only in high-school... i'm sure there's the perfect girl out there for me, I just need to wait to find her. Anywho I just watched Casablanca again and I have "As Time Goes By" stuck in my head for the last couple of days... but the thing is, it's not annoying to me, it calms me down every time I sing it. Have a rad night everone... sleep well, and don't worry about tomorrow.
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Dood. NO disorder there. Just so happens its the same for most guys in HS. If you were still suave, then i'd be worried.

And the song "nature boy" from moulin rouge does the same thing for me.
i need to see casablancas....heh heh
Hi baby! Well If I am "so wise" then you are so freaking popular that girls are scared of you, they like what they have, its not a bad thing i love u!
you realy sound like a great guy and i am sure things will work out well hope everything works out love ya