Junior Prom

Feeling: rushed
Last night was my junior prom. I got to plan the thing, and it was huge success. Chances are that I won't be given the opportunity to plan an event this huge ever again. This consisted of all of the people that I knew really well from school, as well as a pretty substantial chunk of my teachers and counselers as well. This night was different though, because I went to prom last year. Even though a few things didn't quite go as we had planned, I had one of the best nights I could possibly imagined. I felt bad for Julie, one for having to drive our group there (difficult parent of a girl in our group) and two, because I had to do a lot of walking around and making sure everything was going according to plan, and everything was, it was really a perfect night. I got to go over to this girl Audrey's house and basically hang around for the rest of the night... there were alot of things that I'll remember from last night: Prom, Swimming in Audrey's 65 degree pool at 2 AM, finally getting to know Julie and how she feels about me, learning just how nice my peers can be when they have nothing to hold back. I loved it. I think that's really all I have to say, so I'm going to get going. Have a nice week kids.
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Yea.. it is nice to get to know people outside of school. People you think are total jerks outside of school actually turn out to be nice. And then there are those that look nice but turn out to be assholes outside of school. I'm glad you met the nice people...