Popularity Day

Feeling: artistic
I feel really separated right now, but at the same time I feel like I'm closer to my friends than ever. Strange really. Anyways, I was @ my school for 12 hours today. I did all kinds of stuff and talked to all kinds of people... I just hope with all of these new people I meet that I can understand and respect each of them as I meet them... I'm starting to feel like one of those popular kids, it's nice to be known, but I don't want to be infamous... I want to care about people, not about myself. Goodnight everyone, sleep well.
Read 6 comments
lets get marrieddd!! :-D

Popularity's a bitch!
well... i wish there were more people out there like you man... this world needs more people that care about more than just themselves... you sound like the perfect person.. hah w00t way rad

::ack:: 12 hours!!! What were you doing?! LoL Jeeeeeeeeesus man ... take a break. :oD haha

Pees. ~*Kristina
so you said we were gonna go to the sag homecoming game on friday night. well i texed you, called you, you just weren't answering. then you tell taylor that you're going to a concert with him....DAVID!!! but luckily, i had other plans. but i really wanted to go to the game! ugh.
hmm...i don't wanna be popular. ~ash~