sit, stay?

Listening to: Coldplay- Clocks
Feeling: antsy
Well, sit is being nice to me again, so it seems. Have you all missed me? Oh come on, don't lie, you know you didn't. Christmas was great. My family got a new computer! A flat screem, with love from Jackie and Tim. That was amazing. I got lots of good stuff. Mom bought me a "british" outfit to wear to England. It does look British. Anyhow, Christmas Eve was wonderful, as usual. Yearly tradition that we eat at the Hyatt and get served by Bill. It's a cool place; very small, but they sing to you. Funny songs too and they are all very talented. After dinner we even went on a Gondala ride because it wasn't that cold out. Christmas was nice, but crazy. Everyone came and left at the same time that night so that was kind of crazy. David came over and was in awe. Saving breath, it was full of tradition... I tried to go to sleep but just laid in bed for an hour. I'm really getting going on my sci-fi novel, which I didn't believe would get anywhere. It's actually very fun to write, and it's going to get a little more complicated as the story progresses. I sent an email to Karlyn to see if she could do some illustrations for me. I'm crossing my fingers on that one; it would help me tons. Mitch is in town! I went and saw him tonight though shhh, keep it on the DL or Kay will flip one. : ) We're all going to Buzz on Monday to go dancing, then we have to come up with some plans for New Years. I'm determined to find a party. ANyway, it was awesome seeing him again. We hugged forever. He said he's thinking about coming back for college, which would be awesome. Be that the case, we'll end up at the same college and I'll be the one chick living in a phrat house. Heh, that'd be cool. Difficult, but savvy none the less. Pippin rocks. I saw LOTR3- and didn't cry! *points and laughs at everyone who did*. I was kind of disappointed in the ending (all 8 of them). But it was a good movie. Pippin amazed me. Very talented set of pipes and I'm totally melting over the accent. Frodo annoys me. Girls obsessed over Legolas annoy me too. Whatchya gonna do. Christmas is over. Hot damn. Well, that's enough. Toodles. Carrie
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