Rose Petals and Butterfly Kisses

Happy hugs and kisses day! Hug a friend, kiss your dog, tell your folks you love them. Life is a cycle of 7 days; 2 I spend harmoniously in love and out of mind, happy every moment even if I'm sad, continuously surrounded by the people that matter most. The other five days are less poetic; not horrible, but not special, spent day in and day out doing "necessities" (not pleasures), working like a soldier to get x and y completed before F. Ah, well, such is life. On this day (T), I did x amount of work, equalling to a great percentage of completion. Oh my god, what am I doing?? Trying to be mathematical?? Frightening...but before I quit, here's one more equation: Me+You=Happiness. Easy, eh? Tonight I'm either meeting Helen and Erin for a very late dinner, or going to the gym. Waiting for the phone to ring as the determining factor. Getting closer to Thread... Speaking of which, I began working on re-writing almost an entire scene yesterday and finally finished it up tonight. I am much happier with it now; it doesn't seem quite so cheesy now, there's more drama and a chance for characters to become more emotional and less stagnent. Anyway, I was very pleased and after looking the script over for about the zillionth time, I think the only further editing I will be doing will be minor things here and there that turn out to be unecessary or make the play too long. SO! We're in a good place! PS- I'm eating tapioca putting and it reminds me of my mommy : ) xoxo Carrie
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you + me = a circle of love that just never ends.

I love you... and thank you

What was it, two years ago we stayed up late watching Pirates and playing with the puppies? I think I still have the card you made me in French class then I then had someone decode for me next period.

Happy V-Day, or Singles Awareness Day for some.

I AM SO EXCITED FOR THREAD AUDITIONS! isn't that a change of pace, eh? i love you jillie, and i miss you a whole ton.
love, gabrielle