Unofficial Reunion

Friday night was Saguaro's homecoming. The homecoming its self was really pretty lousy--student government doesn't have their act together at all--but we didn't really notice. From beginning to end familiar faces scurried around giving boundless hugs, explosive smiles, and news that never stopped pouring from each others mouths. I had intended on joining up with the band and actually playing with them, but after one song I quickly realized that I had way too many friends I needed to talk to. The awkard moments came and passed--the drama of high school days more easily surpassable now. After the game (which we hardly watched and ended up losing), a lot of people went to Justin's for a party--including a lot of people Justin didn't know. Kris and I went but didn't stay very long. After having a few good laughs and saying hello to everyone, we had to depart so the NAUer could get at least 4 hours of sleep before having to wake up and drive back to Flagstaff for their homecoming. Lame. So I got up with him at 5:30, made the Bear breakfast and sent him off in the cold and dark. : ( I myself did not do much this day--it was everything I hoped for. Mom and I watched movies and did laundry this morning, I took a nap, picked up Jackie and Tim at the airport from their honeymoon in Tahitti (sp?), talked with them for a bit and then went back home to veg more. The folks went out to a party so I sat on the couch, channel surfed and downloaded music on my laptop (from CDs! No theivery!). Anyway, it's now 11 and I'm going to convince myself that I'm ready for bed. G'night. Hi mommy Carrie
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