Red's Return

The Big Red beauty is back, and with a spiffy new rear-end! She's quite stunning now, if I do say so myself. I missed her. Today's school day was really quite a waste. Did practically nothing in all my classes and had subs for half of them. SO, yay for Friday's full of nothingness. In a strange mood. Really mad at Pony for making a glorious mess for me to clean up and feeling quite poor. In contradiction to that, however, I opened my wallet today and found a lot more money than I expected to find. I love it when that happens. Well, tonight shall be a working night I suppose. CK went paintballing with the boys earlier and hasn't called yet (mind you, it's now 8:18) and as I wait for the phone to ring, lines from the one act I'm in keep coming to me--I'm in A Telephone Call; a girl waiting for a guy to call and wondering why he hasn't called yet and if maybe she should call him. On that note, I'd like to retract any bitterness or lack of interest I had for the show. I'm very happy to be in A Telephone Call and I think the four of us who are working on it are going to give it a lot of "umph". I'm not at all sad that I didn't make No Exit (especially now that they are changing it to Impromptu). I guess it just goes to show you that things really do happen for a reason and you just have to give them a chance. Well, off to download and figure and all this computer nonsense. Hope all is well in other lives. Carrie
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