Cotillion and more sleep deprivation

Weekends are supposed to be the times when I catch up on sleep and chores and get cleaned up and organized again, but I haven't had that opportunity yet. This week is absolutely insane. Today, I painted a "Welcome Band Parents" banner for the band meeting tomorrow night and then I had to hurry home and get all prettied up for my first Cotillion meeting (which went very well and I am extremely excited for the year). Tomorrow I've got work after school, then the band meeting, and then I'm leaving early from that to go to the Dave Matthews concert. Wednesday is open house and I finally get a breather on Thursday, where all I'll have is work. And y'all wonder why I'm always so tired or pre-occupied. Updates: Band is going well; we're cleaning drill set by set and brainstorming ideas to make people further understand what it is they are supposed to be doing. Kris and I are doing quite well. It's been ten days exactly and it's felt like a year. Waking up so early has never been so easy because as I walk into the bandroom I can hear him drumming, and when I walk across the field, I can see him marching, and when I have my back to him, I can always expect the surprise of his arms suddenly wrapping around me. Still enjoying school, particuarly English. Photography kinda sucks, but I'm hoping for the best. Ciao to all my pals I haven't seen or spoken to in a while, I promise that I'm doing my hardest to find time to see you all, it's just been really difficult. But rest assured, I still love you and I miss you! Carrie
Read 11 comments
god don't make me puke. seeing u and kris together is so wrong. u are so wrong for him, he deserves so much better do us all a favor and end this now!
i like your diary
=D Ashley
we should try to get together and try a read through of the crucible before mon?
but >.< i'm only open wed./thur.
Well, we're missing you too Jillie.

And I'd like to add a note the that comment down there and say that they need to be quiet. I havent seen you this happy in a long time and I thank Kristof for that.

Hey sweetie, don't listen to that lame person. You are absolutely perfect for me. I would like to thank you for how much fun and joy that you have put into my life over these past few weeks. You make everyday more and more special. I always always always look forward to seeing your beautiful smiling face out on the marching band field every morning, and then of course a pleasant morning hug. Thank you so much for everything.
oh please, u two are a bad couple! he's sweet, ur a slut and a skank, and i'm not the only one who thinks that, just seeing u 2 together makes me sick
Hey Jill! It's Kristen, I have a sit too. it's dncntilldawn (look for the lobster!) Anyways, just popped in to say hi. And that I really hope your year is going well...oh p.s. whoever has a prob with you and Kristavio dating...really needs to get laid themselves. What a douche bag! peace out girlie.
Glad to see that person talking crap with an IP address that places them in california. It's probably just some random piece of crap talking their mouth off. Wow, a lot of comments here Jillie. I'm proud. Lol.

holy crap I'm in college. COLLEGE!

auctually i go to shs with all of u! and it's not just me that thinks jill is wrong for kris... she gave herself the reputation of a slut... not me
what the fuck,if someone has a problem with Kris and Jill.. they can come and talk to me about it! god some people are so dumb.. the one the only,Kay.