Merry Christmas!

A little late, but here it is... Christmas was, in a word, spectacular. Got up Christmas morning, gathered the family together in our pajamas, loaded up the cars with gifts and trecked up to Jackie and Tim's house where a platter of cinabuns were awaiting. Ate those and then opened presents. Although Christmas is not about materialistic items, it is about spreading joy and generosity and my family was more than happy to do so. A will childishly admit that I got everything on my "wish list" to Santa. Getting good grades and being a good daughter really does pay off in my family; mom rewarded me with the Nikon camera of my dreams. The real deal; a leg-up on my career. In addition, I recieved a sort of career scholarship from Jackie and Tim to help get me get published or find an editor, whatever I need to do. Kris got me a PDA, which I've secretly been wanting for a long time now and so I am so thankful that he did that for me! Well, the unwrapping of paper lead to joyous tears periodically throughout the day. Aunt Kim cried later that night when she opened up the locket mom had given her with Grandma's picture inside. Ironically, Aunt Kim had done something of the same for all us girls; it was a touching moment. Dinner was absolutely scrumptious and we spent the whole afternoon and evening stuffing our faces with delicious dinner and desserts and filling the air with talk and laughter. It was my family, Jackie and Tim, Aunt Kim, Uncle Billy, Grandpa, Justine, Matt and his wonderful girlfriend Kelly, and then all the Millers (and Williams!). We played a game and just had a really fun night. Christmas is always an amazing holiday in my book. One year I spent Christmas dinner in my parent's bathroom vomitting my organs out after a horrendous migraine. I remember one Christmas day when I was younger and my grandparents would always get Justine and I the same thing (it is typical for daughters and grandchildren to have to open their gifts simultaneously) and our gift was a pair of white and neon green and pink roller blades, so we spend the afternoon skating around; Justine in shorts and a t-shirt--only in Scottsdale, I tell you. Regardless of the gifts or events, Christmas just always blows me away. It really is my favourite holiday of them all. Everyone eats delightfully, talks and laughs, gives and takes...I mean, besides the religious side of it, it's a holiday for everyone of all morals. *shakes head* I just can't put it into words just's still settling, still sinking in... However late the night was, I dragged my reluctant behind to work this morning at 10. The first hour was dead and then things picked up. After the first twenty customers went through with purchases of stocking stuffers, gift wrap, and christmas decorations, I began to wonder if I was dilusional; Had Christmas really happened? Maybe there really are 12 days and my family is just odd and does it in 1. I mean, seriously, by the looks of their carts, you'd never know it had already passed! Preparing for next year, they said. You're crazy! though I. The joy doesn't end after Christmas. I came home this afternoon and talked with my mom for a while, about the little things, the bigger things, and all the odd things in between. We planned a surprisingly perfect dinner of grilled cheese and soup--CK came over and we all sat down to watch The Best of Johnny Carson--so hilarious! We relaxed and we laughed and everyone ate dessert. It was a perfect night. CK is falling asleep right now so I'd better snuggle in now or I'll be sleeping on the floor. I hope everyone had an equally wonderful Christmas, however you spent it. Love to all Carrie
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*I'm glad that you had a joyfull Christmas Jill. The best part about Christmas Day is spending with family. Have a Happy New Year.*
i like your diary, its really cute. :-)
Happy Holidays.