I'm Walking On Sunshine

Feeling: amazing
After 45 minutes of panic, I finally had my recommendation from Mrs. French and was racing home to shower and prepare for my interview for Scottsdale Honors Catilian. I got ready in 30 min (that's record time) and made it to my interview in plenty of time. It went very well. They asked questions like how my friends would describe me, how my parents would describe me, what I like to do, what do I think of this and that, etc. I first had a solo interview with 2 ladies, and then 2 different ladies interviewed me with my mother. They found me to be very mature and were impressed with what I had to say; I rather surprised myself with how quick I was able to think and come up with good answers to the questions they asked. Anyhow, I walked out extremely confident and then raced back home to get ready for the band concert. The band concert was pretty good. I played the music I composed, Miasma, with Karen and my mom was stunned. She had no idea that I had been writing it and said it was amazing. I thought it sounded horrible, but that's because it was the first time we had played it all the way through. Anyways, it was a success, as was the rest of the concert. I'm working on my history project right now and sleeping in tomorrow. And, in case you couldn't have guessed it, I'm in a wonderful mood. I'm almost afraid to talk to people because I don't want to fall from this cloud. There are so many things in my life right now that are going so great. For the past week or so I've gone to bed with this huge, satisfactory sigh and it's been absolutely amazing. xoxo Carrie
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Genius. Absolute genius. Just playin.

sounds good...