Happy Hugs and Kisses Day

Happy Valentine's Day! I know most people approach this day with a grudge, but I will only say that V-day is not restricted to passionate love and french kisses. I think it's nice to have a day where everyone is kind to one another and girls eat chocolate without regret and friends can just tell each other that they care. So, before you all go bashing, let go of the singles bitterness and remember that this day is for everyone. On that note, it was a good day. After school, I was with Cotillion at an old people's rehab type place (if they get injured or just can't live on their own temporarily) and we had a fifties themed 'party'. It wasn't too bad--some of the poeple I talked to were really nice and lively and others...well, not so much. But it felt good just to be there for them. After that, Kris and i went to dinner and such. Gave him a collage type frame that i made for him; a general sum-up of the past six months. I'm still in awe. Six months. That's an eternity in high school. Well, I love him. : D So I was brushing my teeth last night and my brush just totally died, no life or vibrations whatsoever. I'm starting to feel like that. I keep telling my self that I need to catch up on sleep, but it hasn't happened yet. I just keep getting up early, going to bed late, moving all day long... On that note, I'm off to bed, voluntarily or not. My eyes are exhausted. All I can say now is that I have a lot of plans for the upcoming weeks and I'm hoping I can fit everything in. Now that the research paper is over, I feel like I had a heavy shadow lifted away and I'm a little more free to do my own thing again. Speaking of, I need to get back to work on the band video...The end of the year is approaching rapidly. Oh how time flies. Carrie
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Happy V-Day Jill!! Hope yours was a good one!!! today was a good day lol

Kaylee xoxo
Yeah, I'm sure V-Day was all fine...but ask yourself one question:

Did you have to clean up dog vomit this time? :)
