Cats Ate Birds

Listening to: The Fight Song!
Feeling: ambitious
My audition after school today went very well. It was all improv, and Mr. T. had us go up in groups of 6 and pick out of a hat to see if were one of the five who thought the murderer was guilty, or the one who thought he wasn't. I was in the last group (the 4th group) to go up and drew the NG slip; I really wanted to play guilty but oh well. I took the role of a rough New Yorker and I think it all went well. I was pleased with myself anyways. After that, he called me up again for the next group, then again for something else, and then finally all the remaining people towards the end (6 girls, 5 guys) got up and debated over what our new school mascot should be; a rat or a hampster. It's funny how intense it got because the issue is so stupid, but it really did get defensive and rough. Mr. T. said that he would post a list on Monday that will either be the cast list, or the call-back list, so I'm crossing my fingers like no other. The varsity basketball game was another intense part of my day. We were playing our rivals tonight and it was a close game the entire way through. It's the only basketball game where the stands are jam packed and people are shouting until they lose their voices. We went into overtime twice and the game was owned by Venezia and O'Boyle; O'Boyle is the master at 3-pointers. Anyways, the bad played and we all went crazy and managed to win the game. It was awesome. In other news, I got my application for squad leader/drum major for marching band next year so I have to start preparing for that. It's a lot of work (just the application part) but I'm willing to do it. I haven't told anyone I'm going for drum major. I think I'll be the darkhorse this year. Megan and I would be an awesome team though; another thing I'm crossing my fingers for. Next week is really tied up for me. I have to take care of a lot of projects this weekend and prepare for softball try-outs (which might clash with the play, depending on how that goes; totally playing it by the moment), have to prepare for my wind ensemble audition, I've got the valentine poem sales for Literary Magazine, and the application stuff. Full plate; but I'm starving. And as for the people in my life...I'm pretty much just going to nod and smile for the next month or so. I'm trying my hardest to just go along with everything and be the person they all want me to be, whoever the hell that is. But I'm malleable, I'll mold. I just don't want to cause more drama. It's a lot easier to not care than it is to make a big hoo-ha out of things. That's all for now, catch you on the flip side. Carrie
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Jill you did so good! and it was so much talk to you later.. luv ya lots. ( I like the Ney york thing) brings back memories.