Road trip!

Listening to: JASON!
Jason Mraz fucking rocked my socks off. I think all of us royally enjoyed ourselves to the max at this concert. He totally played for the audience and was totally original and aw man, it was just incredible! The whole trip was an awesome experience--we're definitely doing it again sometime. Lots of grats to Ethan and Brian for sharing their humble abode. Heh, silly party animals. It was so nice to get away for the weekend, no parental supervision, no schedule, no worries or hassels at all. Lots of love all around and plenty of good cheers. I lost my voice again and am sorry to report that my flu bug diddly is not improving. >< But that's ok, because I had a rockin' time this weekend. In fact, the worst part was coming home (surprised?). No church today, just homework and trying to be understanding to my mother's griping and lecturing about school. *sigh* I've been good with predictions lately and right now I see....stress. Lots of it, rapidly coming my way. : ( Physics is a real bitch and I have absolutely no time for this bottle rocket project. Not to mention my oh-so-pleasant progress report from my math class. Goody, Carrie is in danger of failing an easy Alg. III class! >< grrrrrr. I LOATHE math and numbers and sig. figs and all else beyond addition and subtraction. Oh yes, and my two "fun" classes (AKA: Photojournalism and theatre) friggin suck. Photojournalism is a bitch class of grunt work and wasted time and theatre is a joke; a fine excuse for Mr. T to have more "focus". (I swear he uses that word fifty times a day; "The focus is on me right now and when you do that, you're taking the focus off of me and onto you. We need to learn to control the focus and give the focus so that when the right time comes, you may have the focus, but right now the focus is on me so I would appreciate it if you didn't distract others by taking the focus from me because then they might miss something I'm saying and we want to make sure everyone gets this because I'm telling you valuable information and we want to make sure that everyone hears so, please, shh, keep the focus on me right now, thank you.") No joke. It bites. You know, I have to admit that I really am scared for school. I mean, I really only have two hard classes and I'm already struggling in them (mainly because I don't give a damn) and, well, this is it. There are no second chances. This is the final year. And holy shit, college is like...tomorrow! Erg, *thinks happy thoughts...* Alright, well, I guess I should go do something more productive than this...thanks for listening though. Carrie
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