Dog gone it

Well I'm done panting for the week. My last deadline/appointment/meeting/interview ended a few hours ago. (Oh, I think it went well, thanks for asking). I hope it went well. I told my sister about it and I think she would have interviewed for it if she were, well, ten years younger. : D I've got a story to write for our broadcast Tuesday morning and I'm hoping to get my photo story completed tomorrow. I'm having difficulties with that. I'm a bit of a perfectionist with my photos. Ever since I showed Roy that pic I snagged of Carpenter being clobbered with his helmet flying in the air I think I've been nervous to hand in every photo since. It's frustrating because I know I can do better than what I come up with. It's a timing issue. It's what happens when you're doing too much at once--something I'm determined to avoid next semester. I had a couple of ideas for my photo story. I wanted to catch Aaron working in the costume shop, but he said they were between shows and weren't doing anything right now. I wanted to follow my dad and his crew working on a house or something, but I'd need a whole day to do and, to be honest, I'm not really sure he's all that busy right now. It's like every time I raise the camera, someone puts the lens cap back on it. Tomorrow is my last shot, I think. I'm going with my sister to the Nascar race by sheer luck - Walt backed out last minute so now she has an unused, very expensive ticket. We'll get to go down on the tarmac and everything so I imagine there will be a lot of great photo opportunities. Now wish I'd contacted Roy about getting that second body. Oh well. And if the race fails, I intended to go to Saguaro marching band's state tomorrow night. But, I'm on call at Wetseal and have no idea if I'll have to work until an hour before and, the marching competition will be at night, outdoors; not the best shooting set-up. I've got my camera charging and my 3gigs of memory card cleared, so I'm hoping tomorrow lends its self to some fantastic snapshots. Hey, maybe I'll snag an audio recorder and get some soundbites while I'm there -- never waste an opportunity! My story yesterday did not go as well as I had hoped. If I could, I'd like to go back and re-shoot some of it, but of course I can't. I think it can still be made into something good, but...well, I can't blame anyone but myself, I was the run running the shots. I just wish I had gone with Zang and hadn't felt rushed. Zang is my favorite photog at CBS. Not only is he really creative with his shooting, but he respects and assists me as an intern. I realize I'm inexperienced and perhaps wet behind the ears, but that's the purpose of these internships. Not to get water refills for Kent Dana. I think Zang would have been a big help in so many ways. You just don't realize how different broadcast reporting is than print. But oh well! I take what I can get and make the most of it! I'm very fortunate to have had the opportunity and now I have a lot to draw from the next time I go out. It's all on hold until Tuesday when I'll meet with Kari about it. The mysterious limp is solved. Joey, the pup with the most rotten luck I swear, has a torn ACL. I didn't even know dogs could do that. But apparently it's quite common and all it takes is a simple medical procedure to fix. The floppy-eared pup began limping last week. My heart immediately stopped when I noticed because Yorkies seem prone to illness and we've already had to put one down because of cancer when he was just six. So when I see one of the family pets out of sorts, I get nervous. We supposed it was just a sprain, in which case there's nothing we can do but let it heal its self. Kris suggested a scorpian sting, but I vetoed that on account that Joey was moving the leg, so it obviously wasn't numb. Then Helen, miss dog-know-it-all thought it might be a bug bite. She said dogs treat the itchiness of bug bites like a pain and won't use their leg if that's where the bite is. That seemed plausible. But no, it's a torn ACL. Probably from being plowed over by Pony. Blockhead. Alright, must get going. Cleaning to do and groceries to buy. Helen's coming over after work before we head over to Justin's and I promised I'd make my tired, over-worked friend some dinner. This will actually be the third time we'll have seen each other in a span of a week; it's amazing! Oh, yeah, one more thing. Travis was on the radio today. Well, he was talked about on the radio. He started bring free Jamba Juice (he's the manager there) to the morning crew on the Edge and apparently one of the personalities, Corey, has a crush on him. So I guess they talked about him for a while this morning. So if you ever hear them say "Jamba Travis", that's my roommate! He's a funny kid, always meets the most random people who manage to give him a leg-up (if he knew how to take advantage of it). I don't know how he does it. I just hope someday he'll run into someone who can really help him out. He's a good guy, even if the elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor...; p Carrie
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