Please just let me handle this, is the plea of every freshme

I'm thankful for all of your concerns, your thoughts, your energy, your pennies, but pleae just let me handle this. I know I'm going to need hangers and toilet paper and shower curtains, but those aren't my big concerns right now. It disconcerns me that I'm leaving and don't know where I'm going. I'm sorting through a stack of a thousand train tickets and if I pick up the wrong ones, I might end up in Tawain. I don't want to go Tawain. So please, just get off my case and let me handle this. I know you feel annoyed, like I'm not acting fast enough-- not on top of things, as you put it-- but I am, I'm getting there, and I can't move any faster when you're breathing down my neck. Why is it that every time I've got something big to swollow, I'm suddenly full and bursting out the ears? I picked up another job today. I wasn't looking for it, didn't ask for it, but it called and so I went. Back to DP where the benefits of higher pay and friendly faces make-up for the fact that in an office I feel like a caged animal. So tomorrow I'm working a double and then having an all-nighter. I'll be at DP as early as I can be so I can leave to go to Micheal's at ten without the guilt of having accomplished nothing. (You hear that? Guilt for accomplishing nothing, because I said I would.) And I'll be there in the craft store till 4, then maybe back to DP. Then home to shower and eat and off to meet the sixth HP at midnight where I'll be handing out Goblin Heads and broomsticks to the little ones. But honestly now, get off my case. All of you just give me some space. I'm tired of reporting to nightly seminars, phone calls, and the daily expectations of all that I am. I've got news for you, I'm not all what you all think. A lot of me gets hidden and burried and to be pefectly honest, I bloody miss her! But really now, get off my case. I'll get it done, Don't ask me when, I'll get it done. But today I'm through and tomorrow's full, so the future will have to wait. But please, I'm begging you, with all respect, appreciation, and love, let me handle this.
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I liked the hogwarts uniform last night. Hooray for making fake wands. lol.
