Things worth mentioning

I've made a couple attempts for another post in the past week and none of them seem to get saved, so maybe this one will. A lot has been going through my head lately. Things that are happening and not happening keep plaguing me as problems that I should take care of, but something in me really wants to just let them alone. So that's what I'm doing. Letting them alone. A new story hit me the other night. It's ridiculous, isn't it? How much crap I start and how little of it I actually finish? Now I know I've said this before, but this one's good. It's different from anything else I've ever written and the character names themselves are enough to keep interested. I'll share more later when I'm all but done. I don't want to jinx this one, ya know? But it certainly revolves some issues that have been on my mind for the longest time. I keep spending money lately, I don't know what for. I just made a transfer into my checking from my savings and it's sad to see those numbers drop. I'm on my way to the mall now, ironically, to buy things that I always seem to be in need of, no matter how many times I try to get them. And what they are I'm really not sure; it changes. But I'm always in need of something. Aren't we all? We've had a little bit of wind lately and it's scattered bouganvillia flowers all over the backyard. Mom still tries to control them, sweep them off the patio and bag them, but they're always back the next day. Kind of like animals scavanging for scraps. Only they're flowers and what they're scavanging for I don't know. But they're all over the place, covering our green lawn with pink and purple. No matter how many times you sweep them away, they always come back. Always. That's all for now I think. For the curious, HP was awesome and the SATs were...well, what can you say about a test? It's over. I'll be taking it again in the fall, I'm sure of it. Tomorrow begins summer school and my new summer career. Did I mention that? I got a job working as an office assistant in Jackie and Tim's office. The pay is great and the big boss is also hiring me to nanny his little boy when they go to California- that means that I'll be going with them, everything paid for and I'll recieve a check for keeping the small-fry entertained. So it's a good deal. And so goes my summer. And so it goes. Carrie
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hott pic, hott quote, hott diary
hey there, long time no see/speak. i took the SAT too, and you're right, there really isn't a whole lot to be said about it. sounds like you've got some awesome summer plans though. my mom is making me get a job, but i'm doing my best to fight it, although, as you said, we're always in need of something. anyways, have a great summer! later