Threading the Needle

Fantastic weekend. Kris was here, we saw Coffee House, spent time with both our families, had some good laughs, a good two days all around. My biggest news, however, is the kick-off of my play. Saturday morning was its first reading by a tentative cast and it was an enormous success. I was extremely pleased by some of the actors, thrilled at how well they fit their part. Most of all, everyone loved it and can't wait to participate, which excites me more than I can say. We recorded it and I've watched the tape a couple times now and so the next step for me is further editing. T emailed with with his praise and asked exactly what I wanted to hear: What would you like to do now? I am so pleased that I have his full support on this--I am not worried at all any more that this won't happen. The next step, I hope, is to have an audition to get a cast set in stone. We'll have another cold reading (recorded), while I fight with the department heads over stage time. I need to draw up set designs, write up a prop list, have a good talk with the tech class and get the ball rolling even faster. I'm back at school now, which means I feel like I'm being strangled again. I've got some papers to write for dance, I've got to work on the church project thing, and some homework due later one. The good news: I'm out of here tomorrow night. I've got a club meeting and an interview, film class (which I may or may not go to) and then I'm home for the long turkey holiday. My laptop and I are going to be very busy. On my own personal note, I have to document how happy I was last night. See, there are two very important people who have been hearing about this play forever, but haven't read or heard the whole thing (or much of it at all, really). Last night mom said she would sit and listen to it with me, just as soon as she finished this and that. Well it was about ten when I was sure there was no way she was going to hear it. So I started without her and began making notes. Then, to my surprise, she came in and sat down. So I started it over and she sat on my bedroom floor with me, editing some errors in the script as we listened. And she laughed and gave suggestions and praise. She said she couldn't wait to see it. My heart pounded with excitement. This diary may become boring, filled with talk about Thread. But I have to share all of this, for my own records and appeasment. After all, I've become something I never really thought I could become: A playwrite. Carrie
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Congratulations Jill! I am so proud of you! I knew it would happen! Have a great holiday!