Red gets an Ouchie, and then we began to hurt.

Rough start this morning. After a night of very little sleep (I've got to get myself out of the habit of dreaming while awake--I was at rehearsal for hours last night, I swear it, and it went on till 2am when I finally lookeded around to convince myself I was at home and must sleep), I forced myself out of bed and scrambled out the door relatively early so I could finish math homework and get help. Well, I didn't get very far. To the Pima exit off the 101, to be exact, where I was then rear-ended by a Ford truck. The guy was perfectly nice about the whole thing. I almost felt sorry, but it wasn't my fault. He assumed I was going, and I couldn't, so he tried and crashed into me. ("And that's the whole of it"-Abby). Called mom, called police, waited over 30 minutes for cop to show up as several sabercats drove by. SO, rough morning and poor Red is all banged up. As for me, my neck hurts from whiplash but that's it. Like I told mom, it could have been worse. (And she said to me, "Yeah, it could have been YOUR fault.") Crucible tonight was amazing. I knew it would be. Today, as a whole, was actually pretty good, even with the morning incident. In fact, only one thing has been bothering me: a certain someone is not so happy, and it makes me sad to see him so. I wish there was something I could do to cheer him up, but disappointing news and sore throats don't mix well and aren't easily remedied. Well, I love him just the same and was very happy he came to the show tonight. Mom came too and was both impressed and depressed. The Crucible really isn't the comedy release many people needed today, but I thank them all for their support and hope that they got a few laughs and, if nothing more, just enjoyed seeing their friends acting out their passions. Hope all is well with others. Carrie
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