Loving what you've done

There are some things that I've written that, at the time, were so impressed with that I scarcely believed I wrote them. The best feeling is going back to those things later on and still feeling that same satisfaction in knowing that there isn't anything I could have done to have made it better. It's a prideful, boastful thing, but it's those types of things that keep me writing, that keep reminding me that I'm not a failure and that this isn't a waste of my time. My two-cents to you readers is too take a look at something in your life and examine it; it's progress, improvement, etc. Find something that you keep improving on and make it better and better. Grow confidence from your best and use that to create better. PS- Finally got the sched fixed. I now have 6 periods, minus choir and the addition of photojournalism and theatre (needed a space-filler). So all is good. PPS- I have work every day after school and since I work in an office, this requires me to look nice. AKA: Skirt, heels, etc. I'm really tired of looking nice. After marching band, all I want to do is shrug on a comfortable t-shirt and shorts, clean the sweat off my face (devoid of make-up) and slap my hair up in a pony. Just had to get that off my chest. Carrie
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Ahh, yes, but Jillie you can pull off both business and sweats very beautifully. So dont fret. I'm glad you and Kristoff are going good, I'm happy 4 u