Holy crap! I'm 18!

So here it is, my 18th birthday, the birthday I've thought about for years and now that it's here...well, I really don't care too much. I can vote now- already registered. And no, I'm not voting for Bush. Sit's been down a lot so I've got a lot to catch up on. This will be a memory spew. 'ere go: Friday was an awesome day. In physics we launched our rockets. I was surprised that my group's rocket even took off. It got a great distance in the air, but the nose cone never fell off so the parachute couldn't come out, therefor it nose-dived into the dirt. A problem we will easily rectify. Another group was having major issues though and could hardly get their rocket to launch. One kid in that group (upon launch) yelled, "Alpah, bravo, delta, go, go, go!" And when it crashed..."What a piece of shit!" It was hillarious. Guess you had to be there though. It was an away game that night. All 3 DMs went and I conducted the most; it was awesome. I acted like a dancin' fool all night, so that was fun. Oh yes, and the highlight of the night--the other drumline (muddy as ever; that is to say, they don't play together very well) decides to march over to our side of the field and play a stupid little cadence thing while the pomline dances to it. It was something out of the movie Drumline, but not even that entertaining. Anyways, our drumline friggin showed them up like no other. They busted out with Uncensored and the entire band joined in for "WHAT?!" "YEAH!" It was friggin awesome. Battle over, Saguaro won. : D Oh yeah, we won the football game too. After that, some of us went to Denny's (classic) and then Kris and I went back to my house where he promptly fell asleep on my bed until I dragged him up at 3am. I swear that kid can fall asleep anywhere...*muah!* So Saturday...spent the morning helping out my dad, cut tile, cleaned, walked up and down stairs. Then I got all cleaned up and kris picked me up, we went to his Uncle's house where I met the whole family. We ate and I listened in amusement to family stories. Outside it was pouring (got pretty wet just walking inside from the car). Inside it was raining laughter. I had a really good time, needless to say. We excused ourselves around 8 and met up with Justin and Amy--good times. "Maybe if it cools down, it won't be as spicey." -Justin. And now? Now I'm waiting for Megan to get here so we can go to Church on this gloomy birthday morning. I have to get some hw done before the fam comes over later for my mom's outrageous lasagna. Hope everyone is having a weekend as awesome as mine. : D Carrie AKA: The Birthday Girl. (Kris-Two words: Jail bait.) *laughs and runs away*
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Happy Birthday! I can't wait till my 18th =)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE, hehe, I hope that you 18th is absolutely amazing.

Happy B-day, Jillie. Wow, the big one-eight. I knew it was coming but it snuck up on us. We havent hung out much, so sorry if i havent gotten to tell you Happy Birthday. Keep rockin. Also, the Jail bait thing with Kris, classic. Laughed my ass of....more or less.
