And they arrive....

Oh my goodness...My feet are finally off the hook after an 18 hour day. Last night all of us Mac RA's were up till the wee hours preparing for our residents; making bulleton boards, posters, hanging door decs and signs, and I had a lot of cleaning to do in my room. Exhausting! I got up this morning around 5:20 and was ready for my residents by 6:04. Slowly and gradually they trickled in. Some times of the day were boring because there really wasn't anything to be done, but it was nice to meet my residents and almost a bit challenging trying to remember amidst all the faces who I had spoken to and given papers. Lots of sweat and walking, that would explain my day. The floor meeting went well enough; yada yada yada. Tonight was my first night as the RA on duty though, so that's something monumental. Not much commotion though; just boxes left out in the halls and some noisy residents--no write-ups tonight! Tomorrow is my one day off this week. Come Thursday things are going to get busy again so I fully intend to enjoy tomorrow and fill the morning with Z's. Incidentally, I've been up so long I may have to go read in order to feel tired again... Well, Here's to another year, may it be better than the last and fulfill my hopes and goals of experiencing everything ASU has to offer me. : ) Oh, and before I get too carried away with this reslife stuff, I do need to write in here one very important thing... Kris and I had our two year anniversary on Sunday! I'm really amazed we've been together that long, yet on the other hand, it feels like we've been together forever. I can't imagine life without him (mainly because I don't want to) and I possitively couldn't be happier! Carrie
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