Mystery Man

I don't know what brought us there, but we suddenly found ourselves climbing the steps into the delapidated old house--me and a few friends of mine--led by this mystery man. He led us in through the house, showing its decrepit furniture with splinters of love and broken windows that brought in no light, then directed us up the narrow stairwell where the sunlight poured down freely. I don't recall walking up many flights, but on the top landing I was looking out; overboard, as the house had somehow merged onto a ship and we were sailing along the ocean waters, tipping dangerously from one side to the other. To my great surprise, i felt no fear of the house tipping over, of falling into the water below; of falling. The girls vanished at that point and it was just me; He was somewhere further on. I looked out at some passing boats and the next thing I knew, I was in the water with Him, swimming and sailing. And that was the end. The next day He returned. It all seems fuzzy now, but I can't forget being in the little row boat with Him, rowing out of my neighborhood on a lake that appeared over night. And then I remembered I had forgotten something at home and I had to jump out and swim back home. I didn't make it back. Maybe He pulled me back in and said He would row back with me, or maybe it was decided that whatever I had forgotten wasn't worth the time to go back, I don't know. Whatever the reason, we kept on rowing down the river, passing a little old lady with a large-brimmed straw hat. These are the dreams I've been having. I spend the night with this amazing guy and the moment I wake up, I forget His name, His face, everything about him. But He was in both of them, and they both had water, so I don't know what to gather from them. Any insight? Carrie
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Ironic, due to the rain tonight..
