I sigh a lot

Feeling: reluctant
I sigh a lot. I hadn't realized it until someone pointed it out me, but I do. Did you realize it? I don't know why I do it, maybe because I'm content or happy or loning for something. Who knows. But I think it's a good thing, to sigh. Monsoon season is approaching. You know it in Arizona because, for one thing, it's the highlight of our year. But you know when it's coming because there are always two dust storms, then lots of mud and yucky stuff in the air, and then finally rain. I love monsoons. We haven't had a good one in quite some time. Since El Nino I think. They're scary, watching trees sway dangerously close near the houses and garbage cans are rolling down the streets and birds come inches from being blown into your windows, but all those things bring so much excitement. Being afraid is almost appealing at times. I suppose it depends on the fear. I'm a little afraid of this upcoming year. I'm afraid of what might go wrong, that (for some strange reason) I wouldn't be able to graduate, I'm afraid of the next guy that walks into my life with a promise, lots of fears, really. And with those fears comes excitement; how will I deal, who will he be, how will it all work out? "Like a desert waiting for rain...I'm just sitting here waiting for you to turn me on." *sigh* It's been a good week/weekend. I did some more writing and actually felt the need to practice my flute; I played Miasma a few times and, even though I know it isn't much, I'm still in love with its dark melody. I've been reading too; Donald Trump's How To Get Rich and 100 Years of Solitude. I've still got a lot of reading to do... Keep me informed, let me know what's going on in your life. This is both a specific and general request. I want to know. And I want a pact made that we're going to make the best of one more year, because after this, who knows where we'll end up. So leave a comment and sign the pact; To Make it Count. Carrie
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Agreed. We have got to make what we can of our last year of safety, our last year of sheltered days and wild nights.
