Like a pimple, I could pop

First of all, a grand Happy Birthday to the big dog, Mr. M for the big 5-3. And jus for his b-day, scottsdale decided to have a parade-The Parada del Sol; all the scottsdale high schools marched in it for the first time in a decade. It was pretty exciting, but also extremely exhausting and slightly painful--particuarly for those poor tenors. : P So that was Saturday morning, afternoon. Went to the Miller's in the evening for some scrap booking, which turned out just to be a good time looking at old (and hilarious) photos (I LOVE you Kris!) Sunday my fam +Jackie, Tim, Ash, and Kris, all went to the Phoenix Open and sat in the sky box where the golf was sometimes interesting and the food was really good. We got five-minute messages (man did that HURT! but felt good afterwards...) and Kris and I went on a scavanger hunt for buns and sloppy joe...a mission that ended in failure. : ( Oh well. I was going to go watch the superbowl with the whole Miller crew, but the stress of the dreaded RP started to get to me, so I went home and worked on that for countless hours instead. I can't wait till this thing is over with. Went to bed at midnight, woke up at six, didn't get much rest this weekend at all. Trying hard to still be upbeat, regardless of the stress from the paper, the show opening in two days, due dates for Cotillion, poetry contest, photo assignments, a quiz and test tomorrow...BRING IT ON!! I woke up this morning with a cute pimple and both of us could pop any day now...ok, yeah, that was a gross analogy, but I thought it was funny. Maybe a little funny? Anyways, so the week is gonna fly and I'm gonna try not to die. Come see the misera--I mean, wonderful One Acts! Wed-Fri at 7:00 in the drama room. PS- I reeeeeeaaallly don't want to be at school right now. Carrie
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