Revenge for the Wasted

For all the times you've made me wait, held me up, or left me bored, and for all the times you've left without me, hurried on, and left me dizzy, today was my revenge. An entire day of blissful nothingness, breezing away the hours without a care or notice. Poor clock, did it make you sad that we didn't make eye contact? Today was a successful waste of a day, revenge for all those other Times I've been forced to waste; Today was by choice. So in your face (and quite literally, on it) reads a time I don't care to know on a date I haven't bothered to check, and only know that as it dwindles to goodnight, I've labeled it as a general Friday completely gone to waste-- By choice! As stated, today I did absolutely nothing. Nothing productive, anyway. I got up, did a little editing of Sin, went to Kris' at about 11:30, played video games till 2:30ish, then Kris and I got panda around 4, watched The Incredibles (hillarious movie), and right when that ended we met his family at the theatre to see The Pacifier (funny, nothing too grand, very choppy--you'll understand what I mean when you see it) and after that we got a small bite to eat and then went back to Kris's house for yet another movie (Havanna Nights) and now here I am. See? I did nothing but play couch potato all day. It was grand. So I suppose, officially, sping break is over. the end result being a satisfactory idea where it went, as usual... OH, completely forgot: Yesterday (all day) was ASU orientation where, for six hours, I heard the same stuff over and over and, most important of all, registered for classes and met my advisors for Cronkite Village--SOOO excited and relieved that I got into that, as there is now a waiting list. Anyway, Alex G. and I will have a lot of classes together (we hope), but we will atleast have Cronkite Village together. I'm sooo excited for that. Only bad thing is, there is a conflict between that and marching band so I have to get in touch with the director and resolve that. I'm going to be so sad if I can't do marching band. Anyways, the whole day just finally got me excited for college. Mark it as March 17th; the day I knew I was ready for college. ^.^ After that, mom, grandma and I went to the Miller's for a St. Patty's dinner party. That was fun. K wasn't there because of choir (huff puff) but it was still a good time. Lots going on next more wasting days for me! Best wishes elsewhere. Carrie
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Havanna Nights is a great movie!!! I love it lol..

Kay xoxo