Tragic Ending

Happy New Year everyone. This year brought about a tragic ending, really. Full of disappointment and unwanted surprises. There was the death of my grandpa, one of the hardest days of my familie's life, followed by the worry and drama of his widowed wife. There was fading innocence, part from me, mostly from those around me. I'm afraid my childish curiosities are still in tact. Mitch moved away, that was another downer. There were also things that made my head spin. Depression, family matters, Devon, I'm sure there's more if I think about it. But of course the year had ups as well. I got over my schitzophrania bit. No, I was never legally charged with it, but I do believe I had it for a time. I think I've control the teenage phases of depression. And as far as hobbies goes, my writing is finally taking off again and the feeling is...incredible. Karlyn agreed to draw the cover page for my sci fi so I'm writing up character descriptions for her, so that will be thrilling. Our house is an inch away from breaking ground (bout bloody time, too). That's also a downer for the year though; that our house isn't started yet. Downer: no proposal for Jackie. Upside: They're still together and happy! (In the Carribean right now). Oh yes, and once again I failed on my New Years resolution. I had set a goal to have plans for next new years and once again, I'm home and alone. Super. Oh well. I have three dogs with me so I guess I'm not totally alone. They're quite entertaining. But no kiss at midnight. Then again, with the horrific stories and things I've been hearing lately, I'm currently scared away from any even remotely sexual activity. So, I have my innocence, my morals, and my stories. I'm good. Happy New Year everyone. New Years Resolution: Publication, baby! Carrie *cheers*
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i cant read it all...cant focus...but i love you. cheer up, your happ days are n ot that far awayt! *WORDS OF THE SEWER* seer! I love ya CARRIe...haha...sleep well..happy new years....disapoijntmemt is mbad bad bad bad!
Happy New Year!!!
