Scottsdale Snow does not fall, but blooms

It's ridiculous how quickly money slips through your fingers. Wrong time of year to be concerned though, so I think I'll put all thought of money out of my head and then come January, start the hunt for a job. Now, happines.... Break has been really great so far--hasn't really felt like a break until this morning when I actually got to sleep in. Let's see...Saturday mom and I did some mad power shopping (she's freaking out about Christmas this year--a panic-mode of "I'm never going to get all this stuff done!" I keep telling her to calm down, that she has me to do stuff for her this week, but still she freaks.) Sunday I spent all day with the Millers- Church (we played the handbells and it was sooooo great! I can finally play off-beats! Go me!), one and a half services, then went and met Kristofer's adorable grandma who collects Philsbury Douhboy stuff, which is really crazy because when I went downstairs this morning, there was a Philsbury Doughboy tray sitting on the counter--I just started laughing out loud; the irony in it all...Then in the later afternoon we went back to church for a concert of Southwest Brass. They were pretty good, but I've decided I don't really care for the sound of just brass instruments. But they played "The Christmas Song", so I was veeeery happy. Oh, and somewhere in the day Kris and I threw a baseball around--that felt really good. And then the night became our usual routine of movie madness. Lots of talking...that was nice I gotta say is, I love you, Kristofer! Anyway, that's all the update for now. I've got a long list of stuff to do and still some shopping yet....Happy break, everyone! PS- Almost forgot to explain the title... Driving down the 101 to school or any place worth going to, there's farmland on both sides. On one side is a cotton farm and during this time of year, the cotton is getting really full and the whole field turns white so it looks like it snowed, if only on that one field. It's really cool, actually, and it occured to me yesterday what a wonderful and crazy place Arizona is. I mean, it's part city, part country, part desert, part forest...we really have a bit of everything; Indians, Mexicans, New Yorkers, Chinese, Cowboys, Valley Girls...everything but Pirates, for, there is no ocean.... Carrie
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Though we lack an ocean, we still have found ways to be modern-day Sparrows. I.e. Music Piracy.

yay pirates! haha...are you trying out for any one acts?? (random, sorry)

have a good break.
hey jill it's Erin.... i have a question for u but i don't have ur # or sn.... if u could would u im me sometime like.. in the near future lol! my sn is hibby5210 thank u sooo much! merry christmas (early lol)
